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Horse De-Wormer OD's are filling up Hospitals
This thread has 127 replies. Displaying posts 106 through 120.
Post 106 made on Wednesday January 19, 2022 at 09:37
Advanced Member
April 2003
On January 18, 2022 at 23:28, davidcasemore said...

Please, tell us again, what parts of my first post were fabricated lies?

Re-read the title you used for this thread.
Post 107 made on Wednesday January 19, 2022 at 21:13
Super Member
January 2004

Last edited by Hi-FiGuy on January 30, 2022 06:33.
Post 108 made on Saturday January 22, 2022 at 09:58
Ultimate Member
May 2001
On January 16, 2022 at 14:11, tomciara said...
You touched on something quite fascinating. On US television, as you noted, when a drug is advertised, the advertisement always ends with a listing of side effects. Required by law.  A multitude of possible side effects!

But when advertising the vaccine, there is NONE of that. Just go for it, it is safe.

You would freely admit that EVERY drug has side affects. So why no disclaimers or warnings?



I don't remember seeing an advertisement for any particular vaccine. But the documentation is there if you want it.

Post 109 made on Sunday February 6, 2022 at 11:01
Loyal Member
May 2002
Anthony, there is a lot here, but you can speed it up. Commenting begins at about 0:45. A lot of voices speaking out here.

I know you look into things a little more thoroughly, and might have some thoughts.

Post 110 made on Sunday February 13, 2022 at 11:35
Ultimate Member
May 2001
I listened for just under 2h yesterday. It was interesting and if I find the time I might listen to the rest (5h is a long time). Some of it was interesting and informative and has some merits IMHO

But who ever organized this definitely did not do themselves any favors.

Why bring in an ophthalmologist. Yes he has a medical degree but Covid-19 is not in his specialization.

Then they had the lady, she is introduced as University of Michigan where she corrected that she only went to school there, then the guy tries to over correct by calling her a physician (aka medical doctor) and she corrects him that she is not and that she has a doctorate. Don't get me wrong maybe she has a doctorate in microbiology and immunology or some other extremely relevant field and did some good research but there is a reason that credential are given, even though it might not be fair (even someone at the top of his field can make mistakes and be wrong) and someone with no credentials being right, they still mean something it is a matter of playing the odds.

If SNL tried to make a mockery of it they could not have done any better.

Some did have IMHO some smart things to say (and I am not saying those two people did not) some people did say some dumb stuff (again IMHO) like saying Covid-19 is just a respiratory virus (affects a lot more like one person brought up
there are blood clots but the vascular system also appears to be heavily damaged) that all that matters is death and hospitalization (they are extremely important but what about Long Covid and what it might mean t have a damaged heart in the long run)or Covid 19 is just like SARS ,yes in 2019 it was seen as a Severe Acute Respiratory disease and the virus called Sars-Cov-2 but we always new generically it is different and it is 2022 and we have known for a long time that it is a lot more then just a respiratory disease.
Post 111 made on Sunday February 13, 2022 at 11:56
Loyal Member
May 2002
I agree, anytime you get people talking, stupid stuff will come out. If you did a montage of Anthony Fauci speeches, he would make a complete fool out of himself as well. So many contradictions over time.

My thought would be, that you can’t get that many smart people in one room and simply call it a conspiracy. I guess you can disagree with their thinking if they look at motives of drug companies, FDA, and so on, but when they get into straight science that we don’t have the expertise to understand, there is some wisdom there that should not be dismissed out of hand.

The collusion of drug companies and the FDA is a serious problem. The FDA‘s job is to determine whether drugs are safe. In one case, they essentially were acting in partnership to promote a drug - which should never, ever happen.
Post 112 made on Sunday February 13, 2022 at 13:36
Super Member
May 2003
On February 13, 2022 at 11:35, Anthony said...
|...yes in 2019 it was seen as a Severe Acute Respiratory disease and the virus called Sars-Cov-2 but we always new generically it is different and it is 2022 and we have known for a long time that it is a lot more then just a respiratory disease.

I think that this is part of our problem -- we have learned along the way and are now being punished for changing our approach for dealing with the thing based on this new knowledge.

A current rant is that "we were told not to use N95's, now we are told to use N95's!!!" The proper context is that, early on, N95's were in very short supply and the best allocation of that short supply was that they should be reserved for critical medical staff. Now N95's are plentiful and there is no reason to discourage the general public from using them. This was never a 'fail' for medical experts, it was simply an acknowledgement of and workaround for a then unfortunate supply situation.

And, we are still learning. Plus, a future variant might best be handled by something that we will learn in the future. I think that we have a lot to learn about long COVID.

Plus we have a lot to learn about how to present facts to an anti crowd. Presently, anything that smells like science is immediately rejected as some sort of conspiracy against the common man. Sometimes I think that we should approach this as a presentation to an unruly six year old -- "If you ever eat spinach you will be punished."
Post 113 made on Monday February 14, 2022 at 20:56
Super Member
May 2003
If you are a FOX News fan don’t bother clicking on this CNN link, otherwise it is a reasonable summary of our COVID-19 dilemma.
Post 114 made on Saturday February 19, 2022 at 12:27
Ultimate Member
May 2001
On February 13, 2022 at 11:56, tomciara said...
My thought would be, that you can’t get that many smart people in one room and simply call it a conspiracy.

can you show me where I called it a conspiracy?

but when they get into straight science that we don’t have the expertise to understand, there is some wisdom there that should not be dismissed out of hand.

agree, but isn't that the problem? like one of the guys said there were many studies that showed the drug did not work, and assumed that it was that they gave it to late for it to help. Maybe he is right but that is an easy way to discredit them. He said some show it worked and cases, and deaths went down. But that is definetly ot enough and definetly does not show cause and effect. Don't know about you but Here we are now getting out of wave #5 that means 5 times the numbers and deaths went up and 5 times they went down. It is normal. Last spring I had my Nephew here, Toronto Ontario (where he and his parents live) was not doing well and his dad has a Condo here in Montreal so he decided to come down and spend a few weeks here. One day he came over for supper, at the time Quebec (province of ~8.5Mpeople) had a daily count of tests coming back positive of 100, and he said what are the chances that I will run into one of those 100 people? In the fall my sister planned to go to their cottage for Christmas, she asked us (my houshold) and her MIL to join so we can spend Chjhristmas together, But by mid Dec the numbers had skyrocketed and both I and her MIL told here we are better off skipping this year again and just do a Zoom Christmas all together. On New Years when we talked my sister informed us that on the 27th her eldest felt sick and they all tested positive. If things get worst most peopel will take more precautions (slowing down the spread) and when things get better people will naturally feel safer and numbers will go up.

The collusion of drug companies and the FDA is a serious problem. The FDA‘s job is to determine whether drugs are safe. In one case, they essentially were acting in partnership to promote a drug - which should never, ever happen.

Maybe it is I have no idea. The FDA/CDC/US insurances/ US health services might very well be in collusion with drug manufacturers, but there in lies the problem with that argument. This is not an epidemic (limited in space) just to the US or a part of the US but a true pandemic (every where). So why don't other countries that have nothing to do with that colusion reach the same conclusion.

look at this chart from the BBC article [Link:]

The US goes up fast (because the vaccines -made by the drug companies ) where easily available but even though Canada bought a lot of vaccines [Link:] the numbers go up very slowly in the beginning because the drug companies prioritized shipments to other countries over Canada so (at least from our perspective it always seemed like our vaccines where delayed.

I got Astrazenica April23, Pfizer July 25 and Moderna Jan25. Because that was what was available and I did not feal like waiting around weeks and months longer for a particular vaccine. Most of us just ghot wghat was available.

Do you think Health Canada is also in that same collusion?

Also aren't those drugs in that discussion made by drug companies.

Not meant to imply anything but in the large scheme of things it is much easier to believe that one drug company that wants to sell their one product pays one doctor to over subscribe it then all the other drug companies pay everyone in the medical field not to give that one competitors drug.
Post 115 made on Saturday February 19, 2022 at 12:29
Ultimate Member
May 2001
On February 13, 2022 at 13:36, buzz said...
I think that this is part of our problem -- we have learned along the way and are now being punished for changing our approach for dealing with the thing based on this new knowledge.

Post 116 made on Sunday February 20, 2022 at 18:03
Loyal Member
May 2002
Good points.
OP | Post 117 made on Wednesday March 30, 2022 at 20:23
Super Member
January 2003
On December 22, 2021 at 11:50, tomciara said...
Just wondering if you were aware of some of the details about this de-wormer.

It is of course actually called Ivermectin and has been around since 1975.

From Wikipedia, not the ultimate resource, but useful for this discussion.  William Campbell and Satoshi Ōmura won the 2015 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for its discovery and applications. The medication is on the World Health Organization's List of Essential Medicines, and is approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration as an antiparasitic agentIn 2018, ivermectin was the 420th most commonly prescribed medication in the United States, with more than one hundred thousand prescriptions. It is available as a generic medicine.

Maybe it is not all bad.

Are you still riding this horse(dewormer)?

Fins: Still Slamming' His Trunk on pilgrim's Small Weenie - One Trunk at a Time!
Post 118 made on Sunday April 3, 2022 at 02:24
Loyal Member
May 2002
If the Times is all you read, you will certainly hear what you want to hear.
OP | Post 119 made on Sunday April 3, 2022 at 23:08
Super Member
January 2003
On April 3, 2022 at 02:24, tomciara said...
If the Times is all you read, you will certainly hear what you want to hear.

You are a piece of work. The New York Times article is just one of MANY news outlets that are reporting this. If you took the time to peruse the link you would see that they are talking about a study and a published report from 
The New England Journal of Medicine.

Let me guess - you don't trust a peer-reviewed, well-respected medical journal.

Fins: Still Slamming' His Trunk on pilgrim's Small Weenie - One Trunk at a Time!
Post 120 made on Monday April 4, 2022 at 12:19
Loyal Member
May 2002
Trust peer reviewed journals? You are not doing your homework.

Peer reviewed journals took a massive hit when a bunch of docs published an article in Lancet indicating Hydroxychloroquine was ineffective and dangerous.  It was later “walked back” to save face as it was as close to being fabricated as possible.


The New England Journal of Medicine had to do the same.


These may be the most highly respected journals in medicine.  They clearly had an agenda that was not connected with any science.

I don’t diss you as a piece of work my friend.  I only exhort you to start reading some alternatives to what you like to read to get another side.  You may discover there is a movement afoot to create and reinforce this narrative that seems to resonate with you.

if you dug a little deeper, you would find that there are a host of folks with views alternative to yours.  They publish works with lengthy citations of government data on masks and vaccines and get dissed or muted on social media.  The government’s own data indicates masks are not effective as previously advertised and that a vaccine will not prevent transmission of the virus.  But if you quote that on social media, you will get silenced.

Consider the significance of actually citing data from the CDC’s own website and getting blocked on twitter or Facebook. It happens.

Listen to Robert Kennedy Jr. interviews about Mr. Fauci. Kennedy is a liberal democrat (it’s a Kennedy thing) who has worked for years in exposing big pharma abuses and how it affects the poor in particular.  His book on Fauci is not a hit piece, but more like grounds for indictment.  “Why hasn’t Fauci sued you?”  Kennedy: “My accusations, if false, would be libelous and defamatory, and would be cause for a lawsuit.  But all my data is completely cited and he knows he can’t sue me because it is all true.  And if he did, the discovery phase of the trial would bury him.”

Stick to your guns and stick to your opinion if it resonates with you.  But you owe it to yourself to at least have enough data to have a balanced view on all this.


Last edited by tomciara on April 9, 2022 23:57.
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