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Buying a NEO? think twice
This thread has 19 replies. Displaying posts 1 through 15.
Post 1 made on Sunday January 13, 2002 at 17:47
Founding Member
December 2001
i own a NEO (full disclosure). Thinking about a NEO and you're searching this board for advice? Think twice. The NEO was released prematurely. The orginal software was so poorly written that the next version appears fabulous, but sucks. Here's the skinny:

1. The learning ability of the NEO comes in 3 flavors. Learns some fine, learns some after 20-100 tries and NOT AT ALL. Independant of posts on this and other boards, the NEO simply will not learn SOME DEVICES or some BUTTONS ON SOME DEVICES. You should research these and other boards to make sure your compliment of equipment can be controlled.

2. NEO EDIT may have problems on your computer. These include, but time will prove that they are not limited to not being able to communication with the NEO, corrupting the memory within the NEO with no fix available, being unable to install NEO or failing to register a DLL, NEO edit will slowly slow and eventually creep to a crawl on your computer.

3. You cannot customize the overview page (the first one you see), cannot enter hex codes for IR commands and the NEO is NOT COMPATIBLE with CCF files that are used by standard pronto products.

4. If you are not an Engineer like Dilbert, a tinkerer, a computer geek or have 20-40 hours of free time to dedicate to the 'discovery process' of the NEO, you should consider another solution.

Yes, some folks are having fun with the NEO. it's a challenge figuring out cryptic XML files, creating new BMP buttons, learning the work arounds and discussing your discoveries. But, purchasing the NEO is adopting a new time comsuming hobby. Consider yourself forewarned. Keep your Best Buys receipt.
Post 2 made on Sunday January 13, 2002 at 19:24
Founding Member
November 2001
Sony AV system remote RM-PP402: Learned all but System standby. Learned On/off from another Universal remote
Sony DVD remote RMT-D128A: Learned all buttons. Were also all preprogrammed.
Nakamichi CD remote CDC-200: Learned all buttons.
Toshiba RPTV remote CT-90037: Learned all buttons. Most were preprogrammed.
PVR-501 remote: Learned all commands
Panasonic VCR remote "program director" Learned most buttons including rolling wheel. Was not able to get 0, 2, & stop. Pasted these from the preprogrammed codes.
Also learned all the buttons of an old magnavox TV, and a Sanyo VCR.
Was also sucessful in turning off all the TV's in our mall with the preprogrammed codes. Range was much better than I expected from reading this forum.
As Vanderwielen said though, it would still be wise to keep you reciept. But then I would hope that you'd do that anyway. It is true that it takes some time to customize this remote, but that will be case with any remote with this much versatility.
Post 3 made on Sunday January 13, 2002 at 21:51
Founding Member
January 2002
1. That is the case with almost all remotes. Some button just won't program.

2. Download and install version 1.3(dated 12/20) and you should not have a problem.

3. True, you cannot edit the top level screen from the software, however, you CAN edit it via editing the .xml file directly. It's not great it is not copatible with .ccf files, however a new files base is on the way containing alot of .NCF files, which are for the NEO. Once the user base gets going, there will be plenty out there. The original Pronto had to build a user base too.

4. I'm not sure what you are looking for, from a remote, but the NEO is not for you. I suggest you stick to the preprogrammed remotes that can learn a few buttons.

The NEO is NOT difficult to set up. Sure it takes a little time, but something this versital WILL take time. If you take the time to understand what you are dealing with, beforehand, you will have a much more pleasant experience, then next time.

This message was edited by Chuck_IV on 01/14/02 03:19.27.
OP | Post 4 made on Monday January 14, 2002 at 16:22
Founding Member
December 2001
I rest my case. the 2 above posts simply restate that the NEO is not quite ready for 'consumer' use. the argument that something this 'versital' will take time is baseless. are warned.
Post 5 made on Tuesday January 15, 2002 at 04:20
Founding Member
October 2001
I have no problems with what Vanderwielen stated. I love this little Neo!

My only grip is, what kind of Quality did Philips put into this thing? Who is it going to hold up in the long run...

I have had mine for 2 months and the paint is coming off the Device Hard button already! Then just tonight, I see that when the LCD backlight comes on there is a
"Pixil" that no longer lights!!

This to me is far worse then anything else, $200 and the paints comming off already? Backlighting burning out this fast? I think Philips makes a very well built product here!

Than again, live and learn, now I know why I have no other Philips products in my house, not even a light bulb!

Post 6 made on Tuesday January 15, 2002 at 06:07
Founding Member
November 2001
My post was not intended to be defensive, only factual. I have spent more time messing with this thing than my wife can stand, but I enjoy it. Much like my other hobbies. I spend as much time reading about biking, and tearing mine apart as I do riding it. If you love your home theather then you probably won't mind spending a little time providing an awesome interface to it.
When I intially started writing all I intended to do was write what I did learn to it. That way others would know if they had these componants they would be compatible. Maybe we should start a thread for this.
Post 7 made on Tuesday January 15, 2002 at 06:39
Founding Member
November 2001
Well I've had some experiece with philips software and yes it hasn't been good. I have the rc3200 myself and have seen the date change on me, screen stuck on and having to remove the batteries to get it to turn off. It has learned everything I have tried though, but having to remove the batteres and reset the device made that worthless. Also I have seen it get into a state where you cannot use the learn or marco menus so you can't program it at all until you either wait for it to come back or reset the device (the two buttons were grayed out?!?!?!)

I think this is why your not seeing any editing software for the RC3200. They are waiting for philips to fix the firmware first. Sigh, if my remote would work, I'd be happy becuase it is a sweet remote.

Post 8 made on Tuesday January 15, 2002 at 09:31
Founding Member
January 2002
On 01/14/02 16:22.42, vanderwielen said...
I rest my case. the 2 above posts simply restate
that the NEO is not quite ready for 'consumer'
use. the argument that something this 'versital'
will take time is baseless. are warned.

I don't know how you summize that from those posts, but if thats the way you view it, hey, it's your view.

So I will say it again, you need to know what you are buying BEFORE you buy it. Touch screens with this much versatility WILL take time to set up(the other Prontos are the same way). If you do not want to take the time to set these types of remotes, then I again suggest you stick to the hard button remotes that are too complicated(but aren't has versatile).

This message was edited by Chuck_IV on 01/15/02 11:36.08.
OP | Post 9 made on Tuesday January 15, 2002 at 16:07
Founding Member
December 2001
chuck the 4th: thanks, you are supporting my position. folks need to be warned before picking up one of these and then having to drop out of college, change religions and buy new business cards....just because their NEW life is the NEO.
Post 10 made on Tuesday January 15, 2002 at 16:50
Founding Member
October 2001
In the reality off this, if one just left the Neo
Layout "As Is" and put in the device's out of the biult in database, then learned maybe a few codes that weren't in the datebase, you could have a Neo up and running great in a a couple hours.

Is a couple hours that much time now days? I think not! It is only when one comes to the point of wanting to make thier Neo original and start working with the Neo Edit software that the time frame buikds!

Who said that you need to even look at the Software?
Sure you could buy another remote with a Touch Screen for $100, but:

1) Can you lable the buttons?
2) Can you upload the learned codes? (even if that is all you use the software for!

3) Do you atleast have the option of changing the layout?

So even though the software isn't ready for Prime Time
I still think it is worth the extra $100 just to have the Options there to learn a new program and have the ablity to Upload & Download!

Again, if used striaght out of the box, the NEo wouldn't take more then 2 hours to make it fully usable with a system!!

To me, them 2 hours would be well worth a Neo,
after all, you have plenty of time to then paly around and work with NeoEdit and test things out on the Emulator!

Post 11 made on Tuesday January 15, 2002 at 21:52
Founding Member
December 2001
Save yourselves lots of headaches, i just returned my neo and bought a new TSU 2000 + docking station from

Philips TSU2000 Learning TSU2000 $224.82
LCD TouchScreen Remote
with 2MB Flash Memory
Philips DS1000 Docking DS1000 $52.79
station Charger(for
Pronto TS1000)

Subtotal $277.61
Shipping $32.89
Tax $0.00
Total $310.50
Post 12 made on Tuesday January 15, 2002 at 23:04
Founding Member
October 2001
What, you tring to get you "Average weekly post" higher?
Post 13 made on Wednesday January 16, 2002 at 00:56
Founding Member
January 2002
On 01/15/02 16:07.41, vanderwielen said...
chuck the 4th: thanks, you are supporting my
position. folks need to be warned before picking
up one of these and then having to drop out of
college, change religions and buy new business
cards....just because their NEW life is the NEO.

LMAO vanderwielen, I am NOT supporting your position one bit. It is not that hard to set up. Anyone with a high school education can do it... really. It's just that some people have a pre-conceived idea on how it should be and when it's not, they refuse to take the short amount of time to learn.

STOP posting the same mindless words over and over again. Go enjoy your Pronto and leave the rest of us to enjoy our NEO.

This message was edited by Chuck_IV on 01/16/02 01:07.16.
Post 14 made on Wednesday January 16, 2002 at 10:44
Ultimate Member
May 2001
allamand: I think you are right :-)
Post 15 made on Friday January 18, 2002 at 00:53
Founding Member
December 2001
I bought a NEO just after Thanksgiving. I had several problems and was about to return it when the new 1.3 software was available. Since then I have setup all of my devices including some of the setup and programming buttons. I have a Pioneer Elite Receive, JVC DVD, Cassette Deck, CD and VCR, and my Sharp TV. It all works well and My Wife is very happy with it. I had most of the problems mentioned before the 1.3 software. I am very happy with mine.
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