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Topic: | Have an analog TV and a clear view to the CN Tower... what are my options? This thread has 21 replies. Displaying posts 16 through 22. |
Post 16 made on Tuesday June 30, 2009 at 13:08 |
hd fan Long Time Member |
Joined: Posts: | March 2006 425 |
Now just to clarify a few things on the Anthony reply and to avoid anyone being mislead here:
Good Analog reception means perfect conditions , in that case it does not matter if it is digital or analog , it will work great either way. Furthermore under poor reception conditions a digital signal will perform better UP TO A POINT OF COURSE where the digital receiver will "collapse" and stop working but by them, long ago you already in the analog world had a lot of either ghost or snow or or color distortion or loss of V/H synchronism or static/noisy audio or whaever.
The same applies to audio , on point number 2.
If you want to test this 2 points , try adding attenuators or splitters to a working analog and also a digital signal and you will notice that while you add them , on analog PQ and AQ decreases yet on the Digital signal everything stays the same eventhough the lower reception levels now, once again , up to a point where the Cliff Effect goes into play and the digital receiver no longer can decode successfully using error correction and you get black screen and no sound at all.
Sometimes I wonder why Eng have wasted their time and effort inventing and developing digital Modulation Schemes eh? , lol.
Post 17 made on Wednesday July 1, 2009 at 22:04 |
Anthony Ultimate Member |
Joined: Posts: | May 2001 28,903 |
HD fan, you still don't get it. I was never debating that watching digital has benefits (even on an old TV). Your insane rampage is just nuts. The fact is that with a bad/cheap antenna, chances are he won't get anything, spending the extra money he would spend on a good converter on a better antenna will give him more. You talked about Hamilton and Buffalo, but this guy did not ask for that, he said, specifically, he was interested in channels from CN. You talk how digital has no issue, but it is not an all or nothing, yes all else equal digital should be better, but they are not for one thing the digital signal from most stations tends to be much weaker, for an other the guy talked about monetary constraints and so if he spends 80$+ on the converter chances are that will take from the antenna. Let me try this again 2 choices 1) 20$ antenna + 80$ converter where he has real bad reception and gets nothing 2) 60$+ antenna where he gets all the analogue channels from CN? What do you pick? If the choice is insane, please explain why it can’t happen.
Now if he said he wanted Buffalo, then the choice would be different and he would not have one. He would need to spend on both the converter and a real good antenna.
PS are you saying that digitalis 100% perfect or no reception at all? Because if that is what you are insinuating then that is the most retarded thing I ever read and I don’t care if you are pretending to be an Engineer on a forum.
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Post 18 made on Wednesday July 1, 2009 at 23:06 |
hd fan Long Time Member |
Joined: Posts: | March 2006 425 |
I am just saying , the OP has perfect view of the CN tower , therefore instead of buying a 60$ antenna just to get perfect analog , then invest 100 on a converter box + antenna combination. for 50 cad each device almost any sat dealer will give him a deal and that is for a good CM4221. a chineese knock off is half of that and will do the trick also.
On the PS note , well I must be retarded then and obviously just pretending, lol. I am acctually interested to see any other response from any other forum member on this PS digital reception subject.
BTW If I may suggest you to watch the AZCAR training programs broadcast via satellite DVB signals almost everyday in the afternoon. It is about a Sprint/Nextel 2 Ghz BAS Relocation project (basically moving all 7 analog 18 Mhz channels at the 700 - 800 Mhz Spectrum to the new 7 Digital 12 Mhz channels at the 2 Ghz band). You will see they even lower the TX prower to the point where you loose the audio carriers on the analog (snow and no color long time ago) yet the digital is still holding a perfect audio and picture (depending on the modulation of course and the parameters like FEC this threshold will have different limits but all higher than the analog one. Mind you , they use QPSK for this new 12 channels not 8-VSB that ATSC uses but in essence lots of stuff is the same. Watching it remainds me of my days in the university but obviuosly without the high tech equipment , but anyways , I am just pretending, lol. Too bad they did not tell me that at the Canadian Consulate in Havana , almost 9 years ago!.
The constant pixilation , audio cutting out or temporarily black screens that you might see with digital only happens within a very narrow space of the RSL levels, above that it is all or nothing baby, lol.
My first set up to get HDTV in Mississauga from both countries consisted of a cheap ears rabbit , a 10 dB RCA amplifier and the built in tuner on a Samsung 30" CRT HDTV from a south facing window on the second floor. I do remember watching ABC's Grammys via 7.1 (channel 38 or something UHF) but I could not even get color on the Ch 7 VHF Buffalo's ABC affiliate, I had audio though, lol
Post 19 made on Saturday July 4, 2009 at 12:32 |
Anthony Ultimate Member |
Joined: Posts: | May 2001 28,903 |
The constant pixilation , audio cutting out or temporarily black screens that you might see with digital only happens within a very narrow space of the RSL levels, above that it is all or nothing baby, lol. and when analogue is perfect it is perfect as well. Why assume real bad analogue but perfect digital? sure sounds like a dumb example especially since digital will have the weaker signal I am just saying , the OP has perfect view of the CN tower we don't know what he has, I know he said it, but what does it mean, for some people "prefect view" might be several feet from the tower, for someone else you can see it if you stick your head out and look at the side, for others it could mean that it is just behind that tree. "view" and radio waves don't always behave the same way (usually they don't). then invest 100 on a converter box + antenna combination. for 50 cad each device I have not seen converters for 50$, most are 80$+, I also came up with the 100$ because it was a nice round number and would fit a crappy antenna & converter, the OP did not give a price range all he said was that he got a free TV, that he used to watch DL shows (probably because he did not have a TV) and that he does not watch much TV and so not willing to spend a lot of money on it. What if his limit is 50$ or 20$ or 70$. You are assuming he is willing to spend what is needed to have both,
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Post 20 made on Friday April 2, 2021 at 11:45 |
Rereading this posts. Can anyone recommend a good indoor antenna to get PBS in downtown Toronto by the lake. I was getting it with RCA rabbit eats but then my converter died and I got a new one but can't receive the same channels anymore. I had a Zinwell, now a Proscan converter. Should I get a new antenna or get Zinwell again.
Post 21 made on Friday April 2, 2021 at 14:22 |
the-one Long Time Member |
Joined: Posts: | February 2016 37 |
Try terk antenna's. I find them to be the best out there. Other ones are the flat HDTV antennas that you would stick on the window but the terk antenna IMO are the best. [Link: terk.com]
Post 22 made on Sunday June 20, 2021 at 10:23 |
Nueatit Long Time Member |
Joined: Posts: | August 2008 149 |
Got spare Zinwell ZAT-500HD receiver if anyone interest, location Stouffville. RC me for details
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