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Arrgh! Why won't commands work under macro???
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Post 1 made on Wednesday January 22, 2003 at 13:38
Long Time Member
January 2003
This is really getting on my nerves now...

I've got a Sony MDS-JB980. I've created my CCF for it, and all the commands work when i use them from my screens.

However, when i try to create a macro to turn on the deck and start recording (so i can create a timer macro to record programmes off the radio), the deck doesn't want to know. Sometimes the deck will power on, but i cannot get it to record whatever i try.

I'm only aliasing to the buttons on the screens so i can't figure out why it's not working.
Post 2 made on Wednesday January 22, 2003 at 15:28
King of typos
Loyal Member
June 2002
You do realize that you have to make a macro button. Then when you want to have it timed, you have to use a separate timer button.

Also, you have enough of a delay time between the power on to the rec button?

Post 3 made on Wednesday January 22, 2003 at 15:35
Advanced Member
July 2002
does the deck need time to turn on?

if it's 'working' to turn on....maybe it can not see another command right away...

try giving it time by adding a delay in between your on command and record

start by 0.5 and add more until it works....

hang in there
Post 4 made on Wednesday January 22, 2003 at 19:23
Founding Member
August 2001
Indeed, some devices can be very picky about when they receive commands. Marantz is another.
OP | Post 5 made on Thursday January 23, 2003 at 13:39
Long Time Member
January 2003
I've made a macro button. I've added delays (there's 10 f******** seconds between power on & rec and it still does nothing) till i'm blue in the face. I've flogged away trying everythign i can think of for two days. And done manually it doesn't ake that long to get record started). There's not point making a timer button to activate the record macro yet as the record macro doesn't work as a stand alone event.
Post 6 made on Thursday January 23, 2003 at 13:45
Active Member
December 2002
Try relearning the codes. Be sure to hold down the Sony's button until the Pronto says it is finished.
Post 7 made on Thursday January 23, 2003 at 13:55
Super Member
September 2001
Also, test the codes individually, outside the macro to make sure they work.

Jim L
Jim L
Post 8 made on Thursday January 23, 2003 at 14:26
King of typos
Loyal Member
June 2002
Or just leave the deck on all the time. And have the timer just press the record button.

Could there be a possiblty that someone moved the remote before it sends out the record?

OP | Post 9 made on Thursday January 23, 2003 at 15:03
Long Time Member
January 2003
As per my original post:

1) The codes ALL work perfectly when used manually from the panels in the MD part of the ccf. They don't need re-learning - when i checked them

2) The macro's I've created have aliased to the learned codes on the MD panels

I've tried learning the codes directly into the macro. I've tried using delays of various lengths. I KNOW the learned codes are good. Yet when used in a macro (whether timed or not) they don't perform as they should.

No-one can have moved the remote becuase i've not even set a timer at the moment - I'm just trying to get a sequence that when I press the button in the macro list, powers on the MD, presses Record and then Play to start recording. There's no point bothering with timers until the macro can do that
Post 10 made on Thursday January 23, 2003 at 15:15
Super Member
September 2001
I have read, where very occasionally, some gear needs a delay to start off the macro. I have NO idea why. You might try it.

If your codes are 100% reliable individually, the macro should work once the delay timing is adjusted. I agree 10 seconds seems way too long. Not trying to be offensive, but if the above doesn't work, I'd try rechecking my aliases. As far as how long the delay between commands should be, use your MD panel buttons, press power, wait 5 seconds and press record. That should give you an idea as to whether 5 seconds between commands is a long enough delay.

Jim L
Jim L
Post 11 made on Thursday January 23, 2003 at 15:53
Maarten Landzaat
Long Time Member
January 2003
Also check if there's a code on the DEVICE. I had a similar problem until I found out the standard Philips VCR device sends a magical code when selected, that is quite necessary.
If there is such a code, try and prefix every command with that code: first alias to the device, then alias to the button.

Good luck,
Post 12 made on Thursday January 23, 2003 at 16:16
King of typos
Loyal Member
June 2002
Also just because the buttons works when you press them by themselfs. Does not mean they are clean. Some codes, which I've delt with myself, work but when in a macro they don't work. Because they are not clean enough.

If you placed what you have in the macro here in detail, maybe we can have a better understanding of how this is working, or not.

Also, what remote are you using with what Sony deck?

OP | Post 13 made on Friday January 24, 2003 at 12:15
Long Time Member
January 2003
"If you placed what you have in the macro here in detail, maybe we can have a better understanding of how this is working, or not. "

unfortunately it's pretty pointless doing that right now as I've tried so many different things that I've even gone down to just trying to get one button working.
OP | Post 14 made on Friday January 24, 2003 at 12:18
Long Time Member
January 2003
"Because they are not clean enough. "

Could you define what you mean by that?

"Also, what remote are you using with what Sony deck?"

I'm using the codes from the box remote (RM-D10E) on a Pronto RU940 (the 2MB version. Not sure what the US equivalent code is)
Post 15 made on Friday January 24, 2003 at 18:46
James Reed
Lurking Member
January 2003
You might try manualy adjusting the timing of the output. I have found that sometimes the remote has a carrier frequency that is so far off from the receiver frequency that if they are not reproduced exactly then the activation of the code will be intermittent. When you push the button on the remote the activation code is sent repeatedly until you release the button. If the carrier frequency is off then one of the many activation codes that are received will activate the device.
However when you activate a macro, only one activation will be sent. (This is only true of certain devices, i.e. a stewart theater IR controller that I have does this) in order to correct the problem the value represented in the first 4 bytes of the IR code will be modified, in my case it was to change this from a 0000 006d (approx 40khz) do a 0000 00 0070 (approx 38khz) before I could get reliable operation of the screen from within a macro. As well I noticed the the value that was learned and placed here was dependant upon room temperature and battery levels for the remotes. So, I would imagine that the same issues apply to the receivers as well, although one might believe that the receivers are more stable, it does not apply where inexpensive receiver units are used, particularly where a mechanical device (ala the stewart theater screen) they tend to be way outside of the nominal 10%.
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