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Daniel's TSU7000 PCF is HERE!!!!!
This thread has 109 replies. Displaying posts 106 through 110.
Post 106 made on Sunday March 19, 2006 at 05:06
Long Time Member
January 2005
Too bad. I guess iŽll have to survive with icons in english then :-D
Post 107 made on Tuesday March 21, 2006 at 13:10
Timothy Morris
Long Time Member
June 2002
First post since 1999! (thanks Daniel for reactivating my account)

I'm laid up in bed for around a month so now is the ideal time to rework my configuration 1. For the RU-950 to take advantage of 16 shades of grey, and 2 because I know I can't resist a 980 for long.

I'd like to base it on Daniel's RU980 pcf but do a number of things:

1. Make further changes to the file for use in the UK (3 pin power plug icon, plus Sky instead of DBS on the device icons plus much more)

2. Use Daniel's layout and scheme but simplify it so it is more appropriate for those of use who don't need multi-room layouts and only have about 5 devices. I've got a great home cinema, but the component count is quite small.

3. Add a few bits and pieces for my personal use.

The only problem I have though is that although I can put together a pcf, follow through the logic and lay it out sensibly I'm graphically challenged.

Is there anyone out there who is prepared to provide some graphics assistance in return for donations to your preferred charity or website? Also, Daniel can I have access to the original vector graphics so I can use a friendly local design company to develop the bits that I need?

Post 108 made on Tuesday March 28, 2006 at 01:10
Timothy Morris
Long Time Member
June 2002

Anyone prepared to help me with this? Daniel, any chance of half a dozen of the vector icons so I can make some new ones without starting from scratch?

My offer of making an appropriate donation still stands.


Last edited by Timothy Morris on March 28, 2006 01:20.
Post 109 made on Tuesday March 28, 2006 at 10:50
Select Member
March 2004
On March 21, 2006 at 13:10, Timothy Morris said...
2. Use Daniel's layout and scheme but simplify
it so it is more appropriate for those of use
who don't need multi-room layouts and only have
about 5 devices. I've got a great home cinema,
but the component count is quite small.

Might be worth it for you to take a look at my PCF as well which is a combination of Daniel's TSU7000 and TSU3000 PCF's. I've basically recreated the top part of Daniel's TSU3000 interface to match the color scheme of his TSU7000 PCF while mirroring it to incoporate a fixed button on each side. This is a very functional setup for people with only 5 activity based devices and no need for multiple zones as you gain the fixed buttons up in the corners. I use the fixed button in the left corner to access my activities page which is also my home page. In the center I have my 5 activity based device icons. The fixed button in the right corner is used to access my lighting device. To check out my PCF just hit up the link in my signature area below.

Last edited by Lowpro on March 28, 2006 11:05.
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Post 110 made on Tuesday March 28, 2006 at 15:22
Timothy Morris
Long Time Member
June 2002
Thanks I'll take a look - no point in re-inventing the wheel.

Now all I need is a blank device icon in each colour, and some blank icons for the left margin and I'm all set.

1. I want power with a 13A UK style plug
2. An icon for the sidebar "house" - I have a home automation setup so I control a lot more than just lights
3. An icon for the sidebar for door release - I'm a paraplegic in a wheelchair and have a solenoid release on my front door. It is a button that I'd like access to at all times.
4. Minor semantic device changes - I use a Squeezebox CD jukebox, Sky (soon to be HD) for satellite. It may seem a little picky, but if a job is worth doing it is worth doing properly!

My brother runs an ad agency and he's more than happy for me to get his studio to work on the icons so they'll be of good quality.

PLEASE Daniel can I have the bits I need so I can put this CCF together. Name your price!

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