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NEO and discrete codes
This thread has 18 replies. Displaying posts 16 through 19.
Post 16 made on Tuesday January 1, 2002 at 10:26
Founding Member
December 2001
in fact this works. it's simplier than you think. just replace the bmp on buttons on the pronto device overview page like any other bmp. this is good news.
Post 17 made on Tuesday January 1, 2002 at 16:42
Founding Member
October 2001
Here are the steps to edit your Device Overview page.

1.) Using NeoEdit create the .ncf file. The bitmap that is wanted on the Device Overview page should already be in use on another page. This is important because it means the bitmap is included in the .ncf file.

2.) Open the .ncf file using WinZip. Extract the contents. You will notice a file called ConfigEdit.xml and many .bmp files. From the .bmp files, find the one(s) you want on the Device Overview page. Make note of the filename (i.e. bitmap_id40.bmp)

3.) Open the ConfigEdit.xml file in a text editor (WordPad).

4.) Search the text for your bitmap filename (bitmap_id40.bmp). Make note of the number in the line . That bitmap id may always match the file name, but I'd check to make sure.

5.) Now for the tricky part. Starting at the top of the file, find the first occurence of the comment line <!-- Start of Module -->. This is where the start of the Device Overview page is. You will find the following lines grouped together and repeating:

Essentially, each grouping of these four things represent one button. By examining the text in the section, you will find the name of the button
to be replaced. Once found, examine the section. You will see two lines as follows:

Change the "1" to a "40" (Or whatever your bitmap name is). Save the file and exit.

6.) Create a new zip file using the files you previously extracted, including the newly edited file. Give it a .ncf extension. You will need to copy the comment from the original .ncf file and add it to the new Zip file.

7.) Open the newly created file in NeoEdit, and download to you remote. However be careful not to save the file in NeoEdit or it will re-create the Device Overview page.

Post 18 made on Tuesday January 1, 2002 at 16:51
Founding Member
October 2001
That's strange, some of the text is missing in the instructions I wrote. I have uploaded the document (NeoBitmaps.txt) to the Pronto Files section. This has the explaination needed.
Post 19 made on Tuesday January 1, 2002 at 17:13
Founding Member
October 2001
Can you email me that TXT file?

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