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Is there a trial version of the MX-editor software?
This thread has 19 replies. Displaying posts 1 through 15.
Post 1 made on Monday October 2, 2006 at 14:48
russ fulks
Long Time Member
June 2003
Hello all,

I am in the hunt for a universal remote for a friend of mine and am considering the MX-300. I know that URC's new policy forbids anyone from getting the software without a valid serial number, but I want to try out the software and emulator to make sure it can do the things that I want to do before I plunk down my $1k. I was going to buy a Pronto but after downloading the Pronto software I realized there were some things that the Pronto could not do. I'm glad I took the time to test out the software first or I'd be out $1k for that remote.

Does URC have a "trial mode" version of the software that only does emulation and will not communicate with the remote?


Post 2 made on Monday October 2, 2006 at 14:57
Active Member
September 2006
You'd have to ask the dealer you're considering buying it from. URC doesn't offer anything.

What did you have problems with on the Pronto?

The MX-3000 has many limitations, but it may or may not be in the same area as with the Prontos.

I'd recommend just doing due dilligence and let us know what you're trying to do ... and if it sounds like the MX-3000 will fit your needs, then just buy it from someone who offers a 30-day return without a restocking fee.
Post 3 made on Monday October 2, 2006 at 14:59
Super Member
April 2004
This is my problem with the new urc policy. I'd call them and inquire. Post back results. CALL don't email.
Diplomacy is the art of saying hire a pro without actually saying hire a pro
Post 4 made on Monday October 2, 2006 at 14:59
Loyal Member
April 2006
That is a fantastic suggestion! I hope a trial software with emulator is in the works.
Bulldog AV - San Diego, CA
OP | Post 5 made on Monday October 2, 2006 at 15:57
russ fulks
Long Time Member
June 2003
Let me explain my setup a bit more. I have a link to a picture of my proposed remote setup (rudimentary) here:

Image Hosted by

I have a game room with 4 tvs and 4 different sources. I have a 4x4 matrix video switch so that I can watch any of the 4 sources on any of the 4 tvs. I was hoping to have a page with a picture of all 4 tvs running vertically on the left border . When a TV button is pressed it would bring up a pop-up window allowing the user to select which source he would like to view on that tv (Figure A in diagram). Once selected, the pop-up window would dissapear, the controls for that source would show up, the selected TV button would highlight, and the name of the source would appear below the TV button (Figure B).

The problem comes when I considered controlling multiple tv's. If I click on the second tv I would want a pop-up to appear allowing me to choose what source I want to watch on the second tv (Figure C). Once selected the controls for that source would show up, the second TV button would highlight, the first TV button would "un-highlight", and the selected source name would appear below the TV2 button(Figure D).

So now I would have TV1 button with source1 below it, and TV2 button highlighted with source2 below it.

Now this is where it gets tricky. If I want to go back to TV1 to control it, I would like to be able to click on TV1 and immediately be taken back to the last source I was controlling via TV1 (without the pop-up). In addition, TV1 would now be highlighted on the border and TV2 would be "un-highlighted" with it's currently playing source displayed below it (Figure E).

Is this even remotely possible with the MX-3000?

Thanks in advance,

Post 6 made on Monday October 2, 2006 at 16:01
Loyal Member
April 2006
You sound like a canindate for the MX-3000 and the new MSC-400.

Your config looks like a config I have used for crestron systems in bars/rest.

Displaying the active source per TV, as per your illustration could be achieved using variables. It would be fun!
Bulldog AV - San Diego, CA
Post 7 made on Monday October 2, 2006 at 16:25
Loyal Member
April 2006
I was just reviewing your config again.

A challenge will be...... returning to a display and source, after tuning a seperate display with a different source, and not sending the macro commands again.

1) Hopefully your source selection is a 1 or 2 step macro that doesnt effect what is being displayed if it is already on the correct inputs.

2)If not.... consider two buttons for each source per display. One that contains a macro and one that does not.

3)Or add 4 buttons at the bottom of every page that directs you to the control of the desired source as selected.
Bulldog AV - San Diego, CA
Post 8 made on Monday October 2, 2006 at 17:22
Active Member
September 2006
You can't handle that with a variable?

Initialize the variable when the device is turned on, and check it when the page is selected. Once a source is selected set the variable, so the remote doesn't prompt for and select a source again.
Post 9 made on Monday October 2, 2006 at 17:39
Loyal Member
April 2006
might get funny with 4 sources? I am sure it is possible, like I said in the first post. I just think that adding additional source control buttons to the bottom would be simple and intuitive since he is sharing the 4 sources.
Bulldog AV - San Diego, CA
Post 10 made on Monday October 2, 2006 at 20:06
Advanced Member
May 2006
Originally you could download the software from URC's site so you could try it before you bought your remote. I know that was what sold me on mine, after I played with the software I had to have the remote.
Post 11 made on Monday October 2, 2006 at 20:57
Lurking Member
October 2004
On October 2, 2006 at 14:59, oex said...
This is my problem with the new urc policy. I'd call
them and inquire. Post back results. CALL don't email.

I'm DONE with a company that would pull a stunt like that after years having open updates.
Post 12 made on Tuesday October 3, 2006 at 00:41
Tom Ciaramitaro
Loyal Member
May 2002
I think you can do it with the 3000. Use variables to track which source is feeding which display. You will create some fairly involved nested "if" "else" commands by the time you are done.

I did the same thing with an RTI T3 having 3 monitors on a wall, 3 Comcast boxes, plus a DVD input. KDS matrix switcher controlled via RS232. Tried IR but it was WAY slow. RS232 is instantaneous to change source and output.

You will need some kind of routing RF base like the previously mentioned MSC400 to make the system fly.
Post 13 made on Tuesday October 3, 2006 at 03:45
RC Consultant
December 1999
It definitely can be done with variables on the MX-3000 and the MSC-400 would be perfect for what you want.
When ignorance is bliss, ‘tis folly to be wise.
OP | Post 14 made on Tuesday October 3, 2006 at 08:22
russ fulks
Long Time Member
June 2003
As shown on figure B, I had planned on having the list of available sources shown on the top of the screen, once a TV and it's initial source was selected. This way, I will only run the "turn on" macro for a tv on the initial selection (pop-up window). Then, once the TV is selected I can use the source buttons on the page to run the switching macros. In addition I planned to have a "TV off/on" pair of buttons as well as a "Room off/on" pair of buttons.

I've planned it all out in my head and sketched some designs on paper but I want proof that I can do it before I spend the money. I think I might have a copy of the software that I downloaded a year or 2 ago. Hopefully I can find it. It really does cause some problems by completely restricting the software, especially when your direct competition (Pronto) has the software freely available for download.

As far as RF is concerned, I think the MSC-400 is a bit much for this system. None of the TV's are serial capable, nor are the switchers I'm using. I think that the MRF-250 with it's routable IR would be more than adequate for my needs.

Thanks for the help all,

Post 15 made on Tuesday October 3, 2006 at 11:10
RC Consultant
December 1999
I would contact one of the sellers that advertises on this site that are Authorized Dealers and see if it is possible for them to send you a "trial" version.
When ignorance is bliss, ‘tis folly to be wise.
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