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Post 25 made on Monday November 8, 1999 at 18:26
Paul Borel
Historic Forum Post
It's TRUE! My near-wonderful Toshiba 3109 "IS" having trouble with the "White Rabbit" feature on the Matrix DVD,(besides periodic "blue flashes" in between the production company logos and the beginning of the movie). I also have a Sony 530, and that player catches the "Rabbit" and plays all the scenes perfectly.(no sync problem yet...) Anyway, I called Toshiba today, and they said that they have had a "couple" calls about "Matrix", and that they have tested it on SD3109 players there and had no problem,(they need to test it on MINE...)Oh well,looks like 3109 buyers with this problem will just have to wait for a "Fix" from Toshiba...or return it for something "better"...

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