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 Files > Pronto NG > Systems > Original
There are 100 Original System PCFs.
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For: Philips ProntoPro NG
By: Adam Bursey
Contest Entry #14: White Plastic
This layout is an evolution of my TSU3000 layout. It is activity-based and makes heavy use of macros to control my two zones of equipment and home automation. The layout of hard and soft buttons for each device follows a pattern, making it fairly simple to learn to use. It contains a fairly extensive help system. The look borrows from the plastic look of some of the Max OS X widgets.
Updated: March 11, 2004  Size: 485kb

For: Philips ProntoPro NG
By: Adam Bursey
Contest Entry #19: Big Sky
This layout is an evolution of my TSU3000 layout. It is activity-based and makes heavy use of macros to control my two zones of equipment and home automation. The layout of hard and soft buttons for each device follows a pattern, making it fairly simple to learn to use. It also contains a fairly extensive help system. This look is the result of me playing around with transparent buttons.
Updated: March 11, 2004  Size: 781kb

For: Philips ProntoPro NG
By: Adam Bursey
Contest Entry #27: Stoned Aqua
This layout is an evolution of my TSU3000 layout. It is activity-based and makes heavy use of macros to control my two zones of equipment and home automation. The layout of hard and soft buttons for each device follows a pattern, making it fairly simple to learn to use. There is a help screen for each device. The skin resulted from a hybrid of Aqua-like plastic button and a rough stone background.
Updated: March 11, 2004  Size: 880kb

For: Philips ProntoPro NG
By: Adam Bursey
Contest Entry #31: Quicksilver
This layout is an evolution of my TSU3000 layout. It is activity-based and makes heavy use of macros to control my two zones of equipment and home automation. The layout of hard and soft buttons for each device follows a pattern, making it fairly simple to learn to use. There is a help screen for each device. The skin is based a concept of liquid metal.
Updated: March 11, 2004  Size: 594kb

For: Philips Pronto NG
By: Adam D. Bursey
Adam Bursey's Custom PCF
This is my original TSU3000 PCF. The buttons and backgrounds are based on Apple's brushed metal look. It is fairly task oriented, but retains some of the device-oriented flavor of my TSU1000 CCF. Contains controls for two zones of equipment and whole house home automation.
Updated: September 02, 2003  Size: 140kb

For: Philips ProntoPro NG
By: Michael Burwen
Contest Entry #24: Simple Elegance
This design was created with specific ergonomic objectives in mind:
  1. Ease-of-vision, particularly by senior citizens. This dictated using relatively large, primary-color icons against a white background. The color scheme was devised by Mr. Gary Hoover, a retired famous movie-industry colorist and graphic artist.
  2. To provide self-contained instructions. On each page, depressing the owl "professor" icon leads to one or more text instruction pages.
  3. No more than two screens to operate any single device.
  4. To use the hard buttons as much as possible.
  5. K.I.S.S. i.e., pass the "wife" test.
Most of the graphics are original and were created with Paint Shop Pro 8. The instruction screens were created with Photoshop Elements 2.0.
Updated: March 11, 2004  Size: 1.26mb

For: Philips Pronto NG
By: Michael Burwen
Michael Burwen's Custom TSU3000
This is a revision of my previously submitted file. It makes better use of graphic icons for buttons and cleans up some inconsistencies in my previous upload. The principal design objective here was to make the screen as legible as possible given the rather dim nature of the TSU3000. I have been testing various screen icons and layouts on several people and feel that older users find it easier to use this schema than the more elegant 3D designs. Another objective was to make use the hard buttons: the row of buttons under the screen is used exclusively for navigating between screens.
Updated: February 19, 2004  Size: 620kb

For: Philips ProntoPro NG
By: Mike Burwen
Mike Burwen's Updated PCF
This file updates the file and contains several refinements. The DirecTV HD receiver changes from a Sony to a Samsung model which has a different feature set. The instruction screens have been significantly improved and now incorporate active buttons, enabling the user to activate functions directly from an instruction screen if desired. An X10-based lighting screen has been added.
Updated: August 01, 2005  Size: 1.18mb

For: Philips ProntoPro NG
By: Suzanne Chanesman
Contest Entry #32: Beane Design
My design is different in that it only includes items that are used by an average user. No need to clutter or confuse.
Updated: March 11, 2004  Size: 472kb

For: Philips Pronto NG
By: Sung H. Chang
Sung H. Chang's Original PCF
A simple, intuitive orginal design that is very finger friendly. All of the graphics are original, and if being copied, please credit. This file also has a built-in help section for visitors, cutomized tabs, unique navigation, and organization. For a full decscription and screenshots, please go to
Updated: March 12, 2003  Size: 606kb
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