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 Files > ProntoNEO > Systems > All > R
There are 140 System NCFs.
11 authors begin with the letter R.
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For: Marantz RC3200
By: Rahn
Rahn's Home Cinema
Here is a fully custom file, with original bitmaps and use of discrete codes.
Updated: October 25, 2005  Size: 77kb

For: Philips ProntoNEO
By: Greg Rector
Greg Rector's Layout
A complete system layout with the following components.
Updated: May 05, 2003  Size: 61kb

For: Philips ProntoNEO
By: Chris Rees
Chris Rees' Original NCF
My NCF file contains original button designs and configurations and a splash scren that I made from other BMPs from the Pronto area. The resolution on the Neo doesn't give them their just do, but they provide a nice screen. The Tivo screen also has all the codes as well, including the dreaded enter/last code. My home system is not that complex, but the screens are laid out fairly well.
Updated: October 29, 2003  Size: 128kb

For: Philips ProntoNEO
By: Joerg Reinschmidt
Joerg Reinschmidt's System
This is my current configuration that I hope to be able to enhance once I get hold of some missing discrete codes. It contains graphics from other posted NCFs.
Updated: February 21, 2004  Size: 58kb

For: Philips ProntoNEO
By: Dennis Rich
Dennis Rich's System
The goal for this system was to make it very simple to use, yet very functional. I borrowed some of the best ideas from other files on this site. Includes all DirecTV channels accessible by category or alphabet. Includes all sound frequencies and some short tunes. The first two TiVo pages are set up to emulate the TiVo remote exactly and the third TiVo page has selections for frequently used TiVo functions. Try it with NeoEmulator to see if you like it!
Updated: May 28, 2004  Size: 208kb

For: Philips ProntoNEO
By: Robert
Robert's NEO System
A complete system layout for this home theater.
Updated: August 08, 2002  Size: 80kb

For: Philips ProntoNEO
By: Matt Robinson
Matt Robinson's NEO NCF
Device overview screen has been modified using NeoHacker. Includes categorized channel BMPs.
Updated: March 11, 2002  Size: 100kb

For: Philips ProntoNEO
By: Håkan Rolandsson
Håkan Rolandsson's NCF
Includes some new bitmaps. A complete system NCF file with the following devices.
Updated: January 04, 2003  Size: 386kb

For: Philips ProntoNEO
By: Doug Roswold
Doug Roswold's NCF Setup
Mostly standard graphics with a few of my own downloaded network logos. I also added an 'Amp' button on each components first screen that's linked to the receiver input selector for that component.
Updated: August 08, 2002  Size: 50kb

For: Philips ProntoNEO
By: Chris Roy
Chris Roy's NCF
As always, a work in progress. I can control all my AV stuff plus X-10 lighting throughout the house and living room air conditioner. Has a Neo-hacked startup page.
Updated: August 03, 2003  Size: 92kb
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