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 Files > ProntoNEO > Systems > All > G
There are 140 System NCFs.
11 authors begin with the letter G.
Displaying files 1 through 10 on page 1 of 2.
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For: Philips ProntoNEO
By: Goul
Goul's French NCF
A complete French system setup for the following components.
Updated: September 02, 2005  Size: 99kb

For: Philips ProntoNEO
By: Tijmen van Gulik
Tijmen van Gulik's NEO
Features: hacked intro page; on/off always accessible via the middle left and middle right buttons; makes use of tabs; channel selection with Dutch channel pictures; alpha numeric character input (in browser mode).
Updated: December 04, 2004  Size: 99kb

For: Philips ProntoNEO
By: Don Goodall
Don Goodall's Layout
A complete system NCF file for the following components. X-10 will be added soon.
Updated: June 16, 2004  Size: 292kb

For: Philips ProntoNEO
By: Marcia Geier
Marcia Geier's Multi-Room NCF
Many macros, including turning off the audio on the Sony Wega for use with headsets (buttons marked H or with 3-pronged stick figure); 95% completely working file. TV channel macros include channel numbers for Comcast New England (Maynard, MA). Bitmaps culled from the best and the brightest online. Design aim: readable without wearing glasses!
Updated: February 21, 2004  Size: 175kb

For: Philips ProntoNEO
By: Vitaly Gutkovich
Vitaly Gutkovich's Configuration
Complete system with some custom Icons, and some changed icons from the forum.
Updated: October 29, 2003  Size: 311kb

For: Philips ProntoNEO
By: Andy Green
Andy Green's RU930
This NCF works via "device" or "activity" modes. This NCF contains television icons, bitmaps and discrete codes (originally for the Pro and translated with Neohacker) taken from Remote Central. My thanks for all the people whose work I used in this file.
Updated: May 04, 2003  Size: 93kb

For: Philips ProntoNEO
By: Pierre Garcia
Pierre Garcia's NEO Layout
A complete system for the Pronto NEO including the following devices.
Updated: December 19, 2002  Size: 57kb

For: Marantz RC3200
By: The Goat
The Goat's RC3200
The most important feature in this file is the complete TiVo! controls for a Sony SVR 2000. There are no other files like this for the Marantz RC3200! It includes the TiVo Button with a TiVo guy as the button! Thumbs Up and Thumbs Down buttons that really have thumbs! It is laid out as close to the Sony remote as I can get. This is a work in process and when I fine tune it I will upload for all.
Updated: August 08, 2002  Size: 55kb

For: Philips ProntoNEO
By: Chris Gorman
Chris Gorman's Home Theater NCF
I have added several new features, including: Drop-down menus for page navigation; faster startup and shutdown macros; some new learned codes and other slight refinements for more logical control. To work as intended set the backlight to "on" and the volume to "0".
Updated: July 11, 2002  Size: 190kb

For: Philips ProntoNEO
By: Gadget Geek
Gadget Geek's Hacked NCF
Simple to use with several difficult to learn codes and discrete codes converted and entered w/ neohacker.
Updated: May 28, 2002  Size: 92kb
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