Your Universal Remote Control Center
The Great ProntoPro NG PCF Design Contest
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The Great Philips ProntoPro NG PCF Design Contest

Contest entry details...
#15: One For All
If you're looking for animations and wild colors, then this PCF is not for you. It was designed with the older generation in mind, with nice big buttons, large text and a simple but effective layout. All buttons have a pressed and released state image. As on all of my PCFs, I have included the cursor buttons on the screen as well as the hard buttons. XaraX was used entirely for the design.

Author: David Shaw
File Size: 970kb

[ Download This Layout ]

You'll need Philips' ProntoProEdit NG software package to view this file. Use the built-in "ProntoPro NG Emulator" to see exactly how an entry will look and operate on the actual remote!

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