Your Universal Remote Control Center
The Great ProntoPro NG PCF Design Contest
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The Great Philips ProntoPro NG PCF Design Contest

Contest entry details...
#13: The Infrared Interstate
RUNNER UP! This is a completely custom PCF, with an emphasis on navigation and simplicity. The top area of the design remains consistent from one screen to the next, making operation of the remote fairly intuitive. An "All Devices" button on every screen gives the user access to a given device within two button presses. I've avoided duplicate buttons (like having 4-way toggles on screen) that might confuse novice users. All graphics (with the exception of the Favorites show icons) are 100% original.

Author: Brad Ledford
File Size: 1.48mb

[ Download This Layout ]

You'll need Philips' ProntoProEdit NG software package to view this file. Use the built-in "ProntoPro NG Emulator" to see exactly how an entry will look and operate on the actual remote!

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