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Direct TV remote won't operate Yamaha AV Receiver
This thread has 97 replies. Displaying posts 46 through 60.
Post 46 made on Tuesday January 8, 2013 at 20:14
Lurking Member
January 2013
WOOOO HOOOOOO!! !!!! That worked!!!! I have no idea why it did and how it did but it did......thank you soooooooo much!!! I was about to give up and face the fact that I was just going to have to use two are definitely a remote/tv/electronics genius, Edmund, and I was so fortunate to find this website/forum and you......THANK YOU!!!!!!!! :):):)
Post 47 made on Wednesday January 9, 2013 at 00:08
Elite Member
April 2002
Glad it worked finally. If you want to identify the code:

1. av1
2. press and hold MUTE & SELECT, wait for two blinks, release
3. enter 9 9 0
4. press #1 key, count the blinks, it will be three
5. press #2 key, count the blinks
6. press #3 key, count the blinks
7. press #4 key, count the blinks
8. press #5 key, count the blinks

then post it for others?
Post 48 made on Wednesday January 9, 2013 at 19:30
Lurking Member
January 2013
So I went through that process and the code was 30354...which was one of the yamaha codes listed on the directtv instructions but DIDN'T work when either myself or the directtv guy tried it multiple times I'm not sure why it didn't work before and why it's supposedly the code now?? Anyway, the one remote is working the Yahama receiver now and so I'm happy...thanks again!!
Post 49 made on Tuesday January 15, 2013 at 11:04
Lurking Member
January 2013
Okay newbie here so be kind! Long time Direct TV customer, I was using a older Kenwood stereo for my home theater sound system and it died over the weekend, I picked up a Yamaha RX-V373BL A/V system, and got it all hooked up and tweaked. However, I have been unable so far to program a working remote code in my Direct TV RC-64 remote control so I can turn the power on and control the volume. All Codes on DTV's code selector site just won't work. Any suggestions? I am lost here I've tried them all in both AV1 and AV2 position. I know Edmund seems to be the whiz at this so please take pity on me and give me any ideas!
Post 50 made on Tuesday January 15, 2013 at 18:11
Elite Member
April 2002
With yamahas use of two key power scheme, one key for ON and another for OFF, you won't find a single code in the directv remote that does both, sorry. So if you were testing the codes with stereo on, and code only had a ON command, it would seem the code didn't work. So test ALL codes with receiver on & off.

As for the volume, it NEVER works initially with ANY audio code, reason is the volume keys won't work at all without a tv code programmed to the tv device. Once there's a tv code, its volume is now in the way, but that can be remedied;

So tv code programmed in, a yamaha code that partially controls the stereo, to get the volume in a single device:

1. av1 or av2
2. press and hold MUTE & SELECT, wait for two blinks, release
3. enter 9 9 3
4. press VOL DOWN

in all device do the following instead:

1. av1 or av2
2. press and hold MUTE & SELECT, wait for two blinks, release
3. enter 9 9 3
4. press SELECT
Post 51 made on Friday January 25, 2013 at 08:23
Lurking Member
January 2013
The code 993 programmed on your Directv remote will enable you to control the AV volume when Directv remote selector is set on the first setting.
Post 52 made on Saturday July 27, 2013 at 12:50
Lurking Member
July 2013
Edmund, your quite popular here :)

Could use your help. Just got DirecTV Genie (new style remotes). I have a Samsung TV (LN52A750R1FXZA) and a Yamaha RX-V563 receiver. I have successfully set up to be able to change volume on yamaha (and even power off when it asks to test). Problem is after all set up, when I power off, the TV and Genie will shut off but the Receiver stays on. I had Tivo before and the slide remote would be able to turn it on and off as well. I remember there was something with the power on / off being separate or something.

Is there a way the Genie remote will turn on/off the TV and Receiver? Thanks in advance for your wisdom.

Post 53 made on Saturday July 27, 2013 at 14:59
Elite Member
April 2002
On July 27, 2013 at 12:50, gobluejd said...
Edmund, your quite popular here :)

Could use your help. Just got DirecTV Genie (new style remotes). I have a Samsung TV (LN52A750R1FXZA) and a Yamaha RX-V563 receiver. I have successfully set up to be able to change volume on yamaha (and even power off when it asks to test). Problem is after all set up, when I power off, the TV and Genie will shut off but the Receiver stays on. I had Tivo before and the slide remote would be able to turn it on and off as well. I remember there was something with the power on / off being separate or something.

Is there a way the Genie remote will turn on/off the TV and Receiver? Thanks in advance for your wisdom.


Sorry, but no. The rc71 remote doesn't have separate device buttons or slide, so theres no way to power av receivers. just the tv and directv receiver.
Post 54 made on Saturday July 27, 2013 at 15:49
Lurking Member
July 2013
Darn. Thanks though. I have the old remote for dtv from a few years ago. I may have to get it out. Thanks for your quick reply.
Post 55 made on Saturday July 27, 2013 at 18:01
Elite Member
April 2002
The old white remote will control the hr44 by IR only, not RF. And with old remote it will still only control a tv and sat receiver together.
Post 56 made on Monday August 26, 2013 at 20:51
Lurking Member
August 2013
On July 27, 2013 at 12:50, gobluejd said...
Edmund, your quite popular here :)

Could use your help. Just got DirecTV Genie (new style remotes). I have a Samsung TV (LN52A750R1FXZA) and a Yamaha RX-V563 receiver. I have successfully set up to be able to change volume on yamaha (and even power off when it asks to test). Problem is after all set up, when I power off, the TV and Genie will shut off but the Receiver stays on. I had Tivo before and the slide remote would be able to turn it on and off as well. I remember there was something with the power on / off being separate or something.

Is there a way the Genie remote will turn on/off the TV and Receiver? Thanks in advance for your wisdom.

Is the remote your using the RC71, if so how did you set it to control volume on Yamaha receiver. Just got mine today and not happy with using 2 remotes
Post 57 made on Tuesday September 10, 2013 at 15:08
Lurking Member
September 2013
I found some very valuable information in this thread which allows me to use my Directv remote (RC66X) to control the volume on my Yamaha RX-V773WA A/V receiver (RAV475/ZA23850). However, I'm not sure I fully understand the following:

"With yamahas use of two key power scheme, one key for ON and another for OFF, you won't find a single code in the directv remote that does both, sorry."

My confusion is that while my Yamaha remote has 2 power keys, one is for source and the other is for the receiver. The receiver power key turns the Yamaha on and off.

With the remotes I listed in my opening, is it possible to program the Directv remote to turn the Yamaha on and off and control volume & mute?

Thanks - Jeff
Post 58 made on Tuesday September 10, 2013 at 21:43
Elite Member
April 2002
On September 10, 2013 at 15:08, Jeff53404 said...
I found some very valuable information in this thread which allows me to use my Directv remote (RC66X) to control the volume on my Yamaha RX-V773WA A/V receiver (RAV475/ZA23850). However, I'm not sure I fully understand the following:

"With yamahas use of two key power scheme, one key for ON and another for OFF, you won't find a single code in the directv remote that does both, sorry."

My confusion is that while my Yamaha remote has 2 power keys, one is for source and the other is for the receiver. The receiver power key turns the Yamaha on and off.

With the remotes I listed in my opening, is it possible to program the Directv remote to turn the Yamaha on and off and control volume & mute?

Thanks - Jeff

No, even though the newer receivers have a single power key, Yamaha didn't pick IR code known to older remotes, this new command isn't in ANY directv remote. Again yamaha's fault.
Post 59 made on Tuesday September 10, 2013 at 21:53
Lurking Member
September 2013
Thank you sir. I appreciate your expertise.
Post 60 made on Thursday September 19, 2013 at 00:00
Ernie Gilman
Yes, That Ernie!
December 2001
I'm with edmund. You can't turn a Yamaha on and off, but you can adjust its volume. Since most of my watching is DirecTV, I just turn the TV and DirecTV receiver on and off. I have a remote programmed to work all of this with DVD too, but my Yamaha receiver has been on now for about two years.
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