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[Take Control] IRIQ is a gift from GOD?
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Post 1 made on Tuesday December 8, 1998 at 07:01
Historic Forum Post
I have mine for about a week now and I must say that this thing does it all, except RF, but then again I never expected it to. If you think spending a ton of money will get you a product that will just work without any effort on your part, then a universal remote is not for you. If you presume that all of the manufacturers codes are in the device when you buy it, your mistaken.
This device works great and yeah I had to program all of my components individually but at least I know what each key is supposed to, and will do. This way beleive it or not is the easiest way to get all of keys that you want in there and leave the unnecessary ones out. That is really what your paying for. The ease of use, and programing. The software works flawlessly, believe it or not, being it's from Microsoft. (NO GPFs or Ill. Ops) You can create/name/program 60+ keys in a half hour. Software runs as a stand alone windows type app,(like an old dos program) and than god it does't install into windows. It would be nice though if they could provide a CD with codes specific to particular Manufacturers Units. But I think the problem there is that the manufacturers are reluctant to release such info.
Great addition to any Home Theater.
OP | Post 2 made on Wednesday December 9, 1998 at 13:15
Historic Forum Post
Chris, say hi to Bill for me.
OP | Post 3 made on Friday December 11, 1998 at 15:16
Historic Forum Post
I found it to be the biggest waste of money I've spent on my home theater. After a week of dissapointing IR range, I returned it and bought the Pronto. The Pronto has better touch pad sensitivity and the range is incredible. It has almost every feature the the IRIQ has and those that it doesn't have are addressed with the now available software.
Please take a good look around before buying the IRIQ. Granted, it has a mean bark, but a toothless bite.

OP | Post 4 made on Saturday December 12, 1998 at 12:25
Historic Forum Post
I agree with James--I spent one week with both the IRIQ and the Pronto, and bought the pronto--The pronto has an audiophile quality and the IRIQ has a computerphile quality(i.e. task oriented)--no simple functions, no real hard buttons..I globaly set up the volume and channel on the pronto--and the ability to input switch or not is the most intuitive factor
OP | Post 5 made on Sunday December 27, 1998 at 20:16
Raul F. Pesch
Historic Forum Post
I bought the Madrigal (in Europe Harman Kardon) IRIQ. I like to possibilities, I love the software but I have a lot of trouble with the IR distance range. If I do not directly point at my TV it doesn't work. This is a big problem when running macro's. I am sorry to have to say that I am going to return it and get another Universal Remote.

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