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What do you think of the 3500?
This thread has 37 replies. Displaying posts 31 through 38.
OP | Post 31 made on Friday March 3, 2006 at 18:59
Founding Member
March 2002
On February 23, 2006 at 15:15, Dawn Gordon Luks said...

Got mine from A**D. Honest.

BTW, the 3500 doesn't look nearly as good as the
prototype I saw at CEDIA in Sept. The prototype
had this really nice blue background with black/grey
graphics. The shipping version has a screen with
blue/brown elements. Very odd color.


Yeah, I'm back. Just thought I'd check in to see what has transpired...
My 3500 was completely black and white. No color what so ever. Does anyone know if there is a manfacturing issue?
OP | Post 32 made on Friday March 3, 2006 at 19:31
Founding Member
March 2002
On February 22, 2006 at 14:21, Lowpro said...

At the time I am replying here this is your only
post in this forum. You are not even seeking
support at that. Do a forum search on Lyndel's
user name, my user name, any number of active
forum members user names here and read over some
of the posts. You'll find that the majority of
us are here to support other forum members, yourself
included if you actually needed support for something.

Lowpro, this was exactly my point (one of them at least). As much as I do value the opinion and support from the forums here and people like yourself (Remote Central is Awesome) I don't think that we as professional integraters should rely on a website forum for technical support. Can you name ONE other manufacturer that does this?

For average DYIers this is great, but for those of use spending tens of thousands of dollars a year on REMOTE CONTROLS I think we deserve a little more attention from the manufacturers. More along the lines of what AMX,Crestron and ELAN have available on their sites.

What happens if the owner of Remote Central decides to call it quits and just flips the switch? Maybe when that day comes you will understand where I'm coming from.

I want to reiterate that I have been a LONG time Pronto programmer. They have served me VERY well. All my customers are VERY pleased. It's not necessarily what Philips HAS put out in the market, but what they ARE putting out NOW. Right now I don't see how they intend on competing with the competition. They seem more concerned with providing end users with remotes simple enough for them to program - look at the RC9800.

Does this in ANY way appear to be a company interested in the custom installation industry??!!

What really bugs me is that people are arguing with me. You apparently either don't know what you are doing or don't take your job seriously enough to see things from my point of view. Sit back, take a deep breath and try to understand what I'm saying.

** Thanks to SPRINGS and DDARCHE for actually understanding why I started this post about. **
Post 33 made on Saturday March 4, 2006 at 10:33
Lyndel McGee
RC Moderator
August 2001

Do you have a phone contact @ Philips? If not, does your distributor?
Rather than bitch at us, let your fingers do the walking and give em a call. In today's world, a rant on a website is not necessarily taken seriously. Taking the time to make a phone call is.

I understand your frustration. Ernie Gillman likes to rant every now and then. Sometimes folks rant so much, you don't know when to take them seriously. Placing the phone call helps to emphasize that you do care and you do have needs/concerns.

Lyndel McGee
Philips Pronto Addict/Beta Tester
Post 34 made on Monday March 6, 2006 at 15:13
Lurking Member
July 2003
Viewability/Legibility is key to the success of the remotes my company installs for our clients. In my opinion, The TSU-3500 LCD screen is a step backward from the TSU-3000.
Post 35 made on Monday March 6, 2006 at 18:07
Founding Member
October 2001
Ok, how do the screens rate with the original pronto tsu1000 (I have three)? Those screens are nothing special. (I haven't seen a tsu3000 or tsu3500 BTW, except for the pictures.)

Last edited by rmalbers on March 6, 2006 18:20.
Post 36 made on Wednesday March 22, 2006 at 23:37
Mr. RemoteQuest
February 2002
Ok, I am resurecting this post, since I just received my 1st 3500, demo/development model. I was really hoping for a nice screen on the 3500, so we could offer a mid-priced Pronto to budget-minded customers, who want a touch-screen.

I have to agree with most of the posters in this thread. The screen is a bad mistake by the Philips Pronto product team. This "sepia-brown-blue" type of look is just plain lousy. The prototype we saw at CEDIA would have been acceptable but the production model is just a huge miss.

I do not know what the challenges were regarding screen technology versus price, etc. but I would basically be ashamed if this were my product and I had one chance to really improve the 3500 over the 3000. Guess what folks, you missed again!!!

I am not just bitching. I have written a note to Dick Mol at Philips, with my opinion, if it is worth anything. The case work is attractive with the new silver/black look but the screen is just weak.

My $.02 cents...Dave
Dave D'Arche
Fine Home Theater Remote Controls & Solutions - Programming services for most remotes
Post 37 made on Thursday March 23, 2006 at 00:50
Founding Member
August 2001
Sounds like a big thumbs down for the 3500. Not much of an issue as long as 7000s are available on the cheap. Here's one to think about: A computer company I can't name is giving serious consideration to a programmable remote with a color screen to sell for less than $400 MSRP. If it happens and the programming environment - described to me as "next generation" - is really good, the 3500 won't have a place to call home.
Post 38 made on Thursday March 23, 2006 at 19:29
Advanced Member
January 2003
Lets just hope it's not a Microsoft Take Control with a color screen. Those remotes were horrible.
Too many toys, too little time.
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