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New Nevo C3 Coming to CEDIA?
This thread has 35 replies. Displaying posts 31 through 36.
Post 31 made on Wednesday October 7, 2009 at 09:44
RC Moderator
May 2002
I think it has its place and the programming may get easier if you use it more but I found it combersome and very slow in the page changes going from selection to selection. This may be due to 12,000 new users on the site playing with the new remotes, But I attempted a connection at home in the eveming as well as a connection in the office in the morning. Both times were slow with the software. I will try it again in a few days to see if it is any better.

I wish you could plug in the remote and connect to their site to load the device codes then program the remote a litte quicker by not being connected to the site, then when done, reconnect to save your remote to your account.

The remote is decent looking and comfortable to hold, some of hte buttons were cheap feeling to me, the charging base is nice but found it a tad troublesome to get the remote into unless you get it just right.

I didnt even open the REX unit, seems like a typical RF base unit less IR routing and Unit addressablity. Reminds me of the URC MRF100.

Also when programmed it adds an assist button to the device page which takes the place of the top 2 buttons on the touchscreen, in attempting to use that to see what it did, while on sat it took me to the 1st page telling me to use the buttons on the next page to get things corrected, Power was one of the options...Had TV power button, had DVD power and receiver power, then on 3nd page was sat power...why was dvd power even related to Sat activity??, there were options for Audio and picture as well, audio had you toggle thru the receiver inputs and picture gave you the input you selected in the activity my case it was component 1. Although I never pointed this remote at any equipment, I wondered how much more time I would have to spend correcting my activity sequences with timing issues or new codes, as well as deleting any unwanted codes.....???

Might try it again in a few days to see if I can spped up the programming times. Hoping it was due to the newness of the product and everyone was online slowing the servers down at UEI
There's no worse feeling than that millisecond you're sure you are going to die after leaning your chair back a little too far.
Post 32 made on Sunday November 1, 2009 at 02:50
Long Time Member
September 2002
If you don't want a 'Good Night' activity, but want to use the top power button for All Off power button it would require a macro. The problem is you can't create a macro just for this button, unless you reassign the power button in each device as a macro. I'm having problems making this macro work on any page that isn't in the activity. Any suggestions?
Post 33 made on Sunday November 1, 2009 at 07:19
Duct Tape
Loyal Member
November 2008
On November 1, 2009 at 02:50, VideoNavi said...
If you don't want a 'Good Night' activity, but want to use the top power button for All Off power button it would require a macro. The problem is you can't create a macro just for this button, unless you reassign the power button in each device as a macro. I'm having problems making this macro work on any page that isn't in the activity. Any suggestions?

get a real remote and trash this POS?   the only way Nevo will realize they made a mistake and improve the product, is if the CI's dont use these crappy remotes.  

Post 34 made on Saturday November 14, 2009 at 18:56
Select Member
December 2008
I met with a dealer yesterday that said he bought a case from his disty, unboxed one to play with, and shipped the case less the opened unit back. He moved away from Harmony, now he's going back to URC.
Post 35 made on Sunday November 15, 2009 at 08:33
Long Time Member
October 2009
I think the remote has a place, that place should just be in the store. I have been using one for a few weeks and while it has its downsides it is a nice remote and the RF works well.

I think one of the bigger things about the remote is the wife factor - out of 10 different remotes I had laid out on my desk my wife picked this as one of her top two. I think if this had been done with standalone software like the S70/Q50 then it would have been 10x better.
Post 36 made on Tuesday January 19, 2010 at 00:57
Lurking Member
January 2010
The Nevo C3 is a piece of garbage.

I went to the advance training from NEVO and they really touted it as a competitor for the RTI line.

What a crock.

I have been using a C3 for 2 months and it sucks.

The tilt sensor is even garbage.
The buttons feel like they will fall off everytime I touch them.
The touch screen works about 80% of the time.

Programing it is awful. No control of what you want the remote to do.

Buy a $50 logitech 676 and you are better off.

And the worst part is Nevo is selling these remotes under a different label to Fry's and other big stores. for the same price we as dealers pay for them.

FU Nevo..
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