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Nevo SL Day 1-3 Impressions
This thread has 20 replies. Displaying posts 16 through 21.
Post 16 made on Monday August 22, 2005 at 23:17
Mr. RemoteQuest
February 2002
I finally rec'd a Nevo Link I wasn't planning on selling and hooked it up tonight. It just about worked out of the box. I was in my backyard changing songs and all of that. I thought, "Man, this baby has some legs!"

I was impressed with the way it populated song data on the Nevo screen and the wi-fi worked at a reasonable distance. It was talking to my XP box, where I have a lot of mp3's. Then I updated the version of Media Server, which said it was compatible with Microsoft Media Player 10. Since then, I have not been able to make it work again. Must be the notes I had been reading about dropping connection and or something similar.

I noticed that the Nevo Server app just basically went away and was no longer in the system tray and apparently was not running, in any of the Windows processes. I have not been able to get it to run since then, despite trying a million things. I try to launch Nevo Media Server and Windows thinks for awhile but it never shows in the system tray. Nor does it show in the processes nor apps that are running.

I have tried complete restarts and it does not want to run. I suspect this is the key problem but I have not found a solution, I can count on.

In Nevo Studio, it sees the Nevo Link Mac address. If I look at the router, it see the Nevo Link IP as well as the Nevo SL IP, one octet apart. So, it is connecting and all of that. The Nevo shows a Wi-Fi connection but still no media server running, as far as I can tell.

I plan on sending this to UEI but thought I would check here as well.

I have set the system prefs to never shut off, both on battery and AC. About the only thing I can notice, is the battery was getting pretty low, however Wi-Fi connections remained persistent.

Anyone have any thoughts?

Thx Dave

Late edit: Since then, I uninstalled all of the software and reinstalled and it is working again. Go figure...Thx Dave

This message was edited by ddarche on 08/23/05 00:41 ET.
Dave D'Arche
Fine Home Theater Remote Controls & Solutions - Programming services for most remotes
OP | Post 17 made on Tuesday August 23, 2005 at 06:08
Super Member
May 2002

That was gonna be my rec. Reinstall everything and see what happens. Well that and check to make sure you have added Nevo link to admin services and that it has 3 lines of restart service after failure...

Glad its working for you.
Post 18 made on Wednesday August 24, 2005 at 11:10
Mr. RemoteQuest
February 2002

Well, so far so good. I sent a note to UEI suggesting they extend the browsing capability. Not so much a "browser" (that would be nice too as suggested by Springs) but at least let me browse the network for folders on any other network device. As it is today, it will only let you browse to physical devices like hard drives, memory stick, etc, on the specific windows box which has the Nevo server software running. No Network Neighborhood, which should be fairly easy to include in the CE OS.

They did mention to me that they are putting a list together of the UPnP devices the Nevo will see. It was suggested that maybe the DLink Media Lounge renderer would be seen by the Nevo on the network and mp3's on a windows box that is not directly connected to the theater gear, could allow output to the theater audio source.

I wish more info was available. Maybe when we get to CEDIA.

However, I think it has a lot of promise if they do some work on the software. I have 4000 tracks on the display of my Nevo at this point and it has about 10 built-in methods for indexing your music. Pretty slick.


This message was edited by ddarche on 08/24/05 11:52 ET.
Dave D'Arche
Fine Home Theater Remote Controls & Solutions - Programming services for most remotes
Post 19 made on Tuesday August 30, 2005 at 00:38
Marc Silver
Long Time Member
October 2003
How can I tell you guys aren't from Australia and why isn't our product as good as yours sounds??????
Post 20 made on Wednesday August 31, 2005 at 22:59
Mr Griffiths
It's my lucky day!
February 2005
err sorry to butt in and this is off topic but in the UK a respected member of a UK forum is using a Nevo on a Panasonic PHD7 and says it has discrete control over it's inputs.In the UK no one to my knowledge has found them.I know some of you guys with US models have discretes but ours are different.

any way this is what he has said "Just been programming a NevoSL, and it has DISCRETE input codes on my PHD7. There is no doubt about it. Those of you who have universals will know how significant this is. I think there is a strong chance they will work with PV500 series screens too. Is there a guinea pig out there with a pronto and a PV500?"

Hopefully this will help many in europe when the codes are found.
Post 21 made on Thursday September 1, 2005 at 23:55
Mr. RemoteQuest
February 2002
Interesting point! In fact, in a conversation I had with my Nevo Tech guy, he indicated UEI added a lot of discrete codes to their database, in support of the Nevo SL.

In fact, he gave me a great tip. When using the online model-based programming assistant, note the number of the codeset it recommends. Then quit that online session and go back and add the Device and use the option to type in the codest number. He indicated the codeset number usually includes more discrete codes than the online model-based programming offers.

Dave D'Arche
Fine Home Theater Remote Controls & Solutions - Programming services for most remotes
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