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Afghanistan withdrawal
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Post 1 made on Wednesday July 14, 2021 at 00:12
Brad Humphrey
Super Member
February 2004
I have never posted in this section before. But I have a discussion that I've very curious about and hope this doesn't turn to political (even thou I know politics are probably at the heart of it).

So we are withdrawing from Afghanistan, along with the other last few nations. And almost as quickly as we are withdrawing, the Taliban are sweeping in and taking everything. What seems to be completely running over Afghan forces, even their commandos.

So in 20 f^n years! What has the Afghan military been doing? They have had MORE than enough time to get their crap together and be a real military. Yet... we have this!
I don't want to dump on the Afghan people but it just seems like they don't give a ****. Almost like they WANT the Taliban to rule.
So.... let them have it! I can clearly see we are WAY over due to get the hell out of there.
The Russians spent many years in Afghanistan fighting, we the US have spent many years in Afghanistan fighting, now it looks like the Chinese want to move in (for all the rare Earth metals). Let China chew on that hell hole for a few years and see how they like it.

Some people you just can't save.
Post 2 made on Wednesday July 14, 2021 at 17:24
Super Member
May 2003
The wealthy nations have still not figured out that they cannot simply go into an area, push around or pay people off for a few years and expect to convert the society into accepting the wealthy nation's value's. Plus, the wealthy nation does not offer much value for the man in the street. Groups, such as Taliban offer a very clear value proposition -- don't get in our way or die (after being tortured).
Post 3 made on Wednesday July 14, 2021 at 19:16
Super Member
January 2003
The country is tribal. They will never be governed by a central government. The US shouldn't have gone there in the first place (never mind Iraq). Capturing bin Laden should have been a special ops mission.

We could stay another twenty years and when we left the results would be the same as they will be now.

That being said, I feel very sorry about what will happen to the woman and girls that live there. I have no idea what the answers are.

I do wish Biden had acted faster in getting the interpreters out of there. We should have, at the very least, gotten them to Kabul before announcing our withdrawal.

The Taliban could be using weapons that we sold them when the Russians were there. Our Middle East policies have always been a disaster.
Fins: Still Slamming' His Trunk on pilgrim's Small Weenie - One Trunk at a Time!
Post 4 made on Thursday July 15, 2021 at 06:33
Junior Member
July 2021
Is afghan the real culprit or is it's the US? it's very confusing.
Post 5 made on Wednesday July 28, 2021 at 11:22
Archibald "Harry" Tuttle
Advanced Member
May 2009
The USA was in Afghanistan for the poppies.
I came into this game for the action, the excitement. Go anywhere, travel light, get in, get out, wherever there's AV trouble, a man alone.
Post 6 made on Thursday July 29, 2021 at 10:50
Active Member
October 2002
On July 28, 2021 at 11:22, Archibald "Harry" Tuttle said...
The USA was in Afghanistan for the poppies.

You hippies and your flower power. :)
Post 7 made on Monday August 2, 2021 at 18:41
Regular Member
November 2020
On July 14, 2021 at 19:16, davidcasemore said...

The Taliban could be using weapons that we sold them when the Russians were there. Our Middle East policies have always been a disaster.

I wonder how many of our helicopters were shot down by the people we trained to shoot down Russian helicopters and using the Stinger missiles we gave them to do it?
Post 8 made on Wednesday August 4, 2021 at 17:07
Active Member
October 2002
It's been 30 years since the Russians were in Afghanistan. Unlikely any Stingers remain that are functional. From Wikipedia:

To fire the missile, a BCU (Battery Coolant Unit) is inserted into the gripstock. This device consists of a supply of high-pressure gaseous argon which is injected into the seeker to cryogenically cool it to operating temperature, and a thermal battery which provides power for target acquisition: a single BCU provides power and coolant for roughly 45 seconds, after which another must be inserted if the missile has not been fired. The BCUs are somewhat sensitive to abuse, and have a limited shelf life due to the pressurized argon leaking. The IFF system receives power from a rechargeable battery which is part of the IFF interrogator box which plugs into the base of the gripstock's pistol grip. Guidance to the target is initially through proportional navigation, then switches to another mode that directs the missile towards the target airframe instead of its exhaust plume.
Post 9 made on Sunday August 15, 2021 at 14:28
Active Member
October 2002
I read that the US spent about $88B training and equipping the Afghan "military". With today's news that comes out to about $8B/day that the Afghan government survived after the Taliban started their offensive.

Of course this is all Biden's fault because, umm, just because it is. He wasn't president when most of this money was spent, wasn't part of the policy decisions, nor any part of the actual implementation. But that doesn't matter I guess when rabid, unfettered, idiotic partisanship rears its head.
Post 10 made on Sunday August 15, 2021 at 16:57
Super Member
May 2003
We've seen this playbook before -- in IRAQ.
Post 11 made on Sunday August 15, 2021 at 17:58
Super Member
January 2003
On August 15, 2021 at 14:28, BizarroTerl said...
I read that the US spent about $88B training and equipping the Afghan "military". With today's news that comes out to about $8B/day that the Afghan government survived after the Taliban started their offensive.

Of course this is all Biden's fault because, umm, just because it is. He wasn't president when most of this money was spent, wasn't part of the policy decisions, nor any part of the actual implementation. But that doesn't matter I guess when rabid, unfettered, idiotic partisanship rears its head.

It's true that a lot of this pullout was planned and negotiated during the Trump administration, but I am very disappointed in Biden on the way this was implemented. They should have quietly and quickly got the translators and others to Kabul before announcing the pullout. This is a major fail.
Fins: Still Slamming' His Trunk on pilgrim's Small Weenie - One Trunk at a Time!
OP | Post 12 made on Tuesday August 17, 2021 at 01:19
Brad Humphrey
Super Member
February 2004
I think a major strategy was missed and opportunity wasted.

When we pulled back and the Taliban all came out in force, sweeping across the landscape. We should have yelled "surprise"! And launched the biggest bombing campaign in that conflict. Wiping out thousands of Taliban fighters. Give them something to remember us by.
Why did we did not do this? I'm still scratching my head right now. Our military leaders have become the most useless brain dead f***s. It is WAR!!! You are suppose to kill the f*n enemy. Not bend over and make them smile.

That's OK. The Chinese are ruthless. They run over their own children with tanks in the streets. I'm grabbing the popcorn and waiting for the next few years to see how the Taliban do against this next invader. I bet this next occupation is not going to go like it did for Russia or us.
Post 13 made on Thursday August 26, 2021 at 21:56
Trunk-Slammer -Supreme
Loyal Member
November 2003
On July 14, 2021 at 19:16, davidcasemore said...
The country is tribal. They will never be governed by a central government.

The Taliban could be using weapons that we sold them when the Russians were there. Our Middle East policies have always been a disaster.

Could be using weapons we gave them? Lets pile it on and leave behind billions of dollars in weapons, including Armored Humvees, helicopters and planes.

They are indeed tribal, and are best left to their desire to kill each other. That's the radical Muslim way....
Post 14 made on Sunday September 19, 2021 at 21:40
Loyal Member
May 2002
On August 15, 2021 at 17:58, davidcasemore said...
It's true that a lot of this pullout was planned and negotiated during the Trump administration, but I am very disappointed in Biden on the way this was implemented. They should have quietly and quickly got the translators and others to Kabul before announcing the pullout. This is a major fail.

Lot of good posts here.

With only about an ounce of intuition, you can understand how we will never turn tribal countries into Western democracies, no matter how much taxpayer money we leave there. The fact that this went on for 20 years after taking out the enemy shows that the industrial/military complex needs to be thoroughly cleaned out and replaced.

Announcing a drop dead pull out date, failing to get our own citizens and allies out in advance, and abandoning the strategic Air Force Base should result in court-martials and a permanent address at Leavenworth for all the higher-ups involved. The troops are warriors, they are heroes, the starched suits are a bunch of losers and need to be charged criminally.
Post 15 made on Sunday September 26, 2021 at 13:19
Active Member
October 2002
My neighbor grew up in Iran and his take is that the Taliban are hard core patriots who view anyone that works with invaders as traitors.

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