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MX-3000 ?
This thread has 19 replies. Displaying posts 16 through 20.
Post 16 made on Sunday October 8, 2006 at 19:20
Long Time Member
October 2004
I am an authorized dealer for URC and have lots of experience in programming the MX-3000 and Pronto remotes. I can sell you directly if you wish. I owned Indiana's most respected Audio-Video store for 38 years (Soundpro in Carmel). Sold it in 2000 and now, semi-retired, I work from my home. Contaqct me directly if you are interested.
Michael Stella
Stellar Performance
Mike Stella
OP | Post 17 made on Friday October 13, 2006 at 13:56
Long Time Member
March 2003
Well thanks for the info everyone and the great deal SOUND.SD could provide. But I just picked up a new car the other week and the better hafe decieded to curb the front passanger side wheel the other night. Wheel replacement from the dealer as no one makes any after market knockoffs $1925. So no MX-3000 for me. I take full responsiblity as she doesn't know any better, usually drives an SUV, but now at least now I can say no the next time she goes for the keys.
Post 18 made on Saturday October 14, 2006 at 15:18
Steve Hilliar
Lurking Member
August 2005
Good luck with the programming, I have had mine for over a year and I have not learned to program it yet despite many attempts.
Until someone writes a manual in PLAIN english I suspect it is near impossible for most people other than nerds
Post 19 made on Saturday October 14, 2006 at 16:01
Long Time Member
April 2006
On October 14, 2006 at 15:18, Steve Hilliar said...
Good luck with the programming, I have had mine for over
a year and I have not learned to program it yet despite
many attempts.
Until someone writes a manual in PLAIN english I suspect
it is near impossible for most people other than nerds

That's really surprising. I'm anything but a 'nerd', but I found the 3000 VERY easy to program. Very intuitive Editor. Certainly far, far easier than the Pronto remote which I had previously. May I suggest that you click on the "Program" 'tab' in the editor and then follow the steps which it lays out? Any questions or problems, post them on this forum. There are many helpful folks here who will be happy to give you a hand.

But I digress......
Post 20 made on Sunday October 15, 2006 at 01:26
RC Consultant
December 1999
Good answer rosario. Sometimes a tip or two can steer a person in the right direction and then once they get over one or two hurdles, the programming can become so much easier.
When ignorance is bliss, ‘tis folly to be wise.
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