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Can an RFX-250i be used with an MSC-400 (non "i")
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Post 1 made on Friday February 12, 2021 at 16:27
Founding Member
November 2001
I would like to mix an MX-990i with an MSC-400 that is running one RFX-250 AND one RFX-250i.  Before I invest, can anyone confirm that there would be no problem using an RFX-250i with an non "i" MSC-400?

I ask because I noticed there is both an MRF-350 and MRF-350i base station - that is what is printed on its case - which surprised me a bit since I would think its the actual RFX-250i that made the difference and the MRFs would be identical.  Is that just a label to avoid people mixing them up?

Post 2 made on Thursday February 18, 2021 at 12:09
Duct Tape
Loyal Member
November 2008
yes.  the rfx250i comes with a standard msc400 to make it an msc400i.   both packages include an msc400.

you can even wire both an rfx250i and rfx250 to the same msc400 if you have a mix of "i" and non "i" series remotes.

The same is true for the mrf350.
OP | Post 3 made on Saturday February 20, 2021 at 12:08
Founding Member
November 2001
Thanks Duct Tape, thats exactly what I am hoping to do.  Just waiting for the stuff.

Appreciate it!
OP | Post 4 made on Tuesday February 23, 2021 at 14:10
Founding Member
November 2001
Duck Tape, have you successfully been able to mix an RFX-250 and RFX-250i on the same MSC-400?

I have a 400 running two RFX-250's which works fine with the MX-980s and MX-990s I have.

I finally got my hands on an MX-990i and RFX-250i.  The moment I swap out one of the 250s with the 250i, nothing works.  The 250 still flashes that it is receiving from the 980/990 and the 250i flashes that it is receiving from the 990i but the MSC-400 does nothing.

Seems the only way to do it is to run TWO MSC-400s?
Post 5 made on Tuesday February 23, 2021 at 15:31
Duct Tape
Loyal Member
November 2008
On February 23, 2021 at 14:10, Ernie said...
Duck Tape, have you successfully been able to mix an RFX-250 and RFX-250i on the same MSC-400?

I have a 400 running two RFX-250's which works fine with the MX-980s and MX-990s I have.

I finally got my hands on an MX-990i and RFX-250i.  The moment I swap out one of the 250s with the 250i, nothing works.  The 250 still flashes that it is receiving from the 980/990 and the 250i flashes that it is receiving from the 990i but the MSC-400 does nothing.

Seems the only way to do it is to run TWO MSC-400s?

It's been years, but I had to do it on a job where we were out of a particular remote and only had the "i" version in stock.

if you do just the 250i connected, does the msc400 work at that point?

Are you downloading the same configuration to multiple remotes or do you have a configuration programmed for the 990i and another one for the standard 990?

if you want to post a link to your file, i could see if there's something in the program holding you up.
OP | Post 6 made on Wednesday February 24, 2021 at 09:03
Founding Member
November 2001
Thanks Duct Tape!  Here is a link, I stripped all of the other remote configs that are not involved:


Yes, the 990i works fine if I unplug the 250 and just keep 250i.

I did not create a separate CCP config for the 990i - I simply downloaded the same config from the 990 into.

I also tried messing with the settings for the Secondary RF ID on the MSC-400 including turning it off.  Nothing seemed to make a difference.

I read the msc-400 docs again and I wonder if it is the fact that the two RF Inputs are wired in parallel.  I image that the RF signals are aggregated so having different bandwidths on the same line probably cancels everything out.

I sent an email to URC via their web page but since I am a consumer I doubt I will hear anything back.  Worth a shot I suppose.

Appreciate all of the help.
OP | Post 7 made on Wednesday February 24, 2021 at 17:50
Founding Member
November 2001
URC actually called me back!  And explained my problem!

It does have to do with the two RF inputs being wired in parallel.  Seems that you can have two RFX-250s (and I assume two RFX-250i) plugged in, one using the 3.5mm phono jack and one using the 3-prog phoenix jack without a problem.  However, you cannot mix them - i.e. you cannot have a 250 in one and a 250i in the other. can mix 250 and 250i receivers if you wire them all to just the phoenix plug.  I tried this and now both the 990 and 990i remotes work.  Great!

But, unfortunately, it did not fix the problem of using two remote at the same time like I had hoped. Pressing button on both at the same time still seems to confuse the MSC-400 :(

So, I might try breaking out a second MSC-400 (or a 350 I have lying around) as a slave to see if THAT config will allow it to happen.
Post 8 made on Wednesday February 24, 2021 at 17:57
Duct Tape
Loyal Member
November 2008
On February 24, 2021 at 17:50, Ernie said...
URC actually called me back!  And explained my problem!

It does have to do with the two RF inputs being wired in parallel.  Seems that you can have two RFX-250s (and I assume two RFX-250i) plugged in, one using the 3.5mm phono jack and one using the 3-prog phoenix jack without a problem.  However, you cannot mix them - i.e. you cannot have a 250 in one and a 250i in the other. can mix 250 and 250i receivers if you wire them all to just the phoenix plug.  I tried this and now both the 990 and 990i remotes work.  Great!

But, unfortunately, it did not fix the problem of using two remote at the same time like I had hoped. Pressing button on both at the same time still seems to confuse the MSC-400 :(

So, I might try breaking out a second MSC-400 (or a 350 I have lying around) as a slave to see if THAT config will allow it to happen.

ahhh, i forgot about the 1/8" jack.  we always hard wired them so I never had that issue.

yeah, the problem is that the msc400 can only do one thing at a time.  it's not great for using multiple rooms at the same time

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