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Custom Theme/Graphics for MX-980
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Post 1 made on Thursday November 25, 2010 at 00:45
Long Time Member
December 2004
All the instructions for duplicating a theme and replacing graphics in the forum are about MX-980 editor or so it seems.

I'd like to have my own complete theme available in CCP, or at the very least graphics sets appear in the Image Gallery so I can drop and drop easily (with automatic depressed state).

With CCP's release all graphics resources were put into vfd files which one might think were "Virtual Floppy Drive" images, but I haven't been able to open them with the appropriate program for such files. The file format doesn't appear very complex, but considering Dale mentioned this concatenation of files was for convenience and not security/obscurity, I'm finding it very frustrating not being able to export nor import graphics en masse to create my own theme.

I know I can import one image at a time to replace an existing image, but that's tedious and only applies to the current ccp file or remote being worked on. I'm looking for a way to start a remote off from scratch with my own theme. At this point I can't even start without picking one of the default themes - if I can't create my own I'd at least like to start with an otherwise blank canvas - that's just not possible though.

Has anyone any information on taking apart and recreating the "URC COLLECTED" VFD files? An existing program to do that would be ideal. In the files I see a listing of file names followed by the files themselves concatenated along with some additional information. One shouldn't have to jump through hoops in figuring out file formats and writing their own tools simply to create a truly custom (and easily repeatable) graphics setup.

Last edited by TwistedMelon on November 25, 2010 00:57. - Mira & Manta IR - Remote Control Your Apps
OP | Post 2 made on Friday November 26, 2010 at 15:11
Long Time Member
December 2004
Ok, figured this one out on my own... Should have done this originally in the light of day instead of late at night and falling asleep.

The main theme files are just plain old CCP remote files. So without even taking apart any VFDs, if someone wants to create a re-usable theme, simply copy one of the existing ones, give it a new filename, enter than name into the ini listing of themes so it will show up as a theme in CCP and then load that file into CCP and start modifying it.

You can specify images from disk and then simply include that folder along with the theme if you're giving a copy to someone else.

Doh! - Mira & Manta IR - Remote Control Your Apps
Post 3 made on Tuesday November 19, 2019 at 13:56
Long Time Member
January 2009
I found this old post.

I am having an issue with my CCP program in that no themes are showing up in "layouts" for MX-980 remotes. All other remotes seem to detect the themes fine except the MX-980.

In the CCP program directory, I see the images directory, a skins directory, and a samples directory. When I open up the ccp files in the skins or samples directory all of the graphics and layouts are there so they are on my system but are somehow not linked for CCP to see them as themes. My guess is that the 2 CCP files in the "skin" directory are the theme files as they are much more complete than the sample files.

Based on the information in this post, there apparently is supposed to be theme ini file somewhere and I feel as though that is what my installation is missing somehow because I search everywhere and I cannot find an ini file that describes any themes. Is it possible for someone to post where this file is supposed to be located and the contents of the file?
Post 4 made on Thursday November 21, 2019 at 14:23
Long Time Member
January 2009
In case anyone stumbles upon this post in the future, I wanted to update the thread with the resolution.

The file is called "Skin.ini" and it goes in the "Skin" directory with the ccp files that comprise the skin. The file should consist of nothing more than the skin/theme name (the ccp filename without the .ccp), one theme/skin name per line and nothing else.
Post 5 made on Tuesday January 14, 2020 at 21:41
Senior Member
June 2004
I know all about URCs VFD files. I can both extract files from and compile my own. There is a way to get custom folders with PNG images to appear in the drop down menus as well. You have to know your way around the root directory of URC, however.

I have templates available for the URC remote lineup as well. [Link:]

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