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MX-3000 / MRF-300 Repeat While Button is Pushed
This thread has 2 replies. Displaying all posts.
Post 1 made on Wednesday December 13, 2006 at 01:54
Lurking Member
January 2003
I am finalizing my MX-3000 programming but I am having an issue that eludes me. The Remote has a feature where it will repeat the command as long as you hold it down. For example, Volume up or down.But when I press and hold the volume (hard) button it only seems to transmit the initial burst. The RF150 lights just briefly and the IR indicator on my reciever illuminates. Then is goes out and you have to press the button again. I have played with the "Repeat" setting but that did not seem to do anything. I do not know if this is a MX-3000 issue or MRF-300 issue as I can not test the remote iin IR mode to my Kenwood AV receiver since it does not have a front panel IR.

Any clues???
OP | Post 2 made on Wednesday December 13, 2006 at 02:23
Lurking Member
January 2003
Looks like there may be some other threads regarding this in the other forum for URC. Sorry for the duplicate.
Post 3 made on Tuesday December 26, 2006 at 01:56
Lurking Member
December 2006
Make sure there isn't a macro stored in those volume keys, also. In most cases, the IR code should fire continuously when the button is held down at default repeat rate (which is 3). Also check to see if you don't have "press and hold" commands attached to those buttons. They are normally not necessary for programming volume control.

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