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MX-Editor with Windows Vista
This thread has 7 replies. Displaying all posts.
Post 1 made on Monday November 20, 2006 at 19:55
Long Time Member
October 2005
Has anyone tried the MX editor with Windows Vista? Is it compatible?
Post 2 made on Tuesday November 21, 2006 at 14:22
Control Remotes
Super Member
August 2003
Windows Vista is just being released to high volume manufacturers and developers. If anyone has tried it, it was not likely with the final version.

I'm sure it will be compatable, otherwise Microsoft is forcing everyone to upgrade all of their old third-party software and all developers must also re-write all their software.

I think everything will be fine.

Thank you,
Damon DG
= = = = = - Authroized Dealer & Remote Programming Services
Remote Programming Services for URC Remotes - 914-509-5360
Follow me on Twitter @HomeTheaterNY
Post 3 made on Tuesday November 21, 2006 at 17:40
RC Consultant
December 1999
On November 21, 2006 at 14:22, Control Remotes said...
Windows Vista is just being released to high volume manufacturers
and developers. If anyone has tried it, it was not likely
with the final version.

I'm sure it will be compatable, otherwise Microsoft is
forcing everyone to upgrade all of their old third-party
software and all developers must also re-write all their

I think everything will be fine.

Thank you,
Damon DG
= = = = = - Authroized Dealer & Remote
Programming Services

" I think everything will be fine." Damon.......... you realize you are talking about Microsoft, right??? :-/

When ignorance is bliss, ‘tis folly to be wise.
Post 4 made on Tuesday November 21, 2006 at 17:48
Advanced Member
May 2006
I have used the mx-editor with Windows Vista a few times and it has worked fine. I did have it crash once but I'm not sure if it was from Vista or something else at that time. Anyway yes it will work.

I do have some software that is not working with Vista so it can be an issue with some things. Currently my email program "Incredimail" and my Cannon scanner will not work with Vista. BTW Vista is pretty nice :)
OP | Post 5 made on Tuesday November 21, 2006 at 19:01
Long Time Member
October 2005
I thought perhaps there might be a problem with the Active Sync program.
Post 6 made on Tuesday November 21, 2006 at 20:20
Control Remotes
Super Member
August 2003
Stevie: Are you thinking about the new "sync" feature they talking about the site? I think that's used differently than ActiveSync and should not conflict.

Greg: Yes, yes...I realized. They'd send everyone running to Linux or Apple if they made us re-purchase all of our software specifically for Vista though. LOL :)

Thank you,
Damon DG
= = = = = - Authorized Dealer & Remote Programming Services
Remote Programming Services for URC Remotes - 914-509-5360
Follow me on Twitter @HomeTheaterNY
OP | Post 7 made on Tuesday November 21, 2006 at 20:53
Long Time Member
October 2005
I think ActiveSync is not compatible in Vista. I think they are doing away with Activesync in favor of "mobile device" type feature. I'm not sure what it is, but this is what I have read.
Post 8 made on Saturday November 25, 2006 at 12:25
Lurking Member
October 2006
Here is some info I posted in the other URC forum:

And here is some newer info from MelSam's Blog on

Thursday, September 07, 2006 12:42 PM MelSam
Windows Mobile Device Center missing in Vista RC1?
Microsoft released Vista RC1 last week and some of you are already using it. If you use a Pocket PC or Smartphone device, you may be disappointed to find that the Windows Mobile Device Center (WMDC) is missing from Vista RC1. I've seen a few posts about this on various forums so I got some clarification from the team working on WMDC.

First of all, here's how WMDC is supposed to work. When Vista ships, it will contain a "base driver", which will enable basic connectivity and some features such as browsing the device, copying files and syncing with Windows Media Player. But it will not enable full ActiveSync and RAPI features. Nor will it allow you to partner up with Outlook to sync PIM data such as Calendar, Contacts, Tasks etc.

In order to get full ActiveSync functionality, visit Windows Update when your Windows Mobile device is connected to the Vista machine. This will get you a free download that contains the full WMDC client.

There's just one little problem. If you try Windows Update today, it will not detect the WMDC download. This is because one additional step needs to be performed to allow this detection to take place. Unfortunately that step is restricted to internal Microsoft beta testers at this point. The friendly Program Manager for WMDC, Lydia O, sits in the office next to mine. So I asked her what was preventing external RC1 testers from using WMDC. She explained that they're still working on some critical issues which make it necessary to restrict public testing. Judging from the steady stream of people walking in and out of her office all day, it looks like Lydia's team is working as hard as possible to resolve those issues and release WMDC publicly to Vista RC1 testers very soon. We don't want to keep you from enjoying the great WMDC experience, but it simply isn't available externally at this time. When it's ready, it will automatically show up in your Windows Update list without any further action on your part. WMDC will certainly be ready in time for Vista RTM and hopefully long before that - sometime in the next few weeks.

I've personally been using WMDC since upgrading to RC1 last week and find it to be a very impressive Vista component. Thanks for your patience while the WMDC team wraps up their last remaining tasks. If you have any questions about WMDC I'll be happy to try and answer them with help from Lydia's team.

Update (Oct 9, 2006):The WMDC bits for Vista RC1 and higher have been released publicly. Click here to download [Link:]

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