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MX 900 Moving Device Problem
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Post 1 made on Saturday November 4, 2006 at 10:26
Lurking Member
November 2006
When I am in the listen/watch pages and try to move a device from one button to another I seem to run into problems. For example, if I am on Watch page 1 and I try to move my TIvo device down 1 slot, for some reason when I go to Tivo in the tree it still highlights the old button. I have tried to use both LCD editor and page view with no luck. I am wondering if I need to delete and reimport the device, ut then I lose all the work I did within the device. Moving pages within a device are no problem. Only seems to be when I move devices in the main watch/listen page.

Two more quickies:

In the 850 editor it seems that if you change a buttons name from say Tivo to Menu, the 850 editor will show you the old name (Tivo) and therefore we can easily figure out what the button did without physically testing it. I don't see the same functionality in the mx900 editor.

Also, and this might be a gripe, but from what I understand, non-installers cannot get liveupdates. Isnt it silly that a FULLY paying customer with a serial number and willingness to register his remote cannot get the FULL functionality? Seems silly.

Thanks for your help.
Post 2 made on Monday November 6, 2006 at 13:39
Surf Remote
Loyal Member
July 2001
On November 4, 2006 at 10:26, Tonze said...
When I am in the listen/watch pages and try to move a
device from one button to another I seem to run into problems.
For example, if I am on Watch page 1 and I try to move
my TIvo device down 1 slot, for some reason when I go
to Tivo in the tree it still highlights the old button.
I have tried to use both LCD editor and page view with
no luck.

That shouldn't happen. You may want to do a "Live Update" and see if you have the latest version. If you do, try reinstalling the MX-900 editor.

Also, and this might be a gripe, but from what I understand,
non-installers cannot get liveupdates.

That's not correct. Purchasing from an authorized dealer should entitle you to receive the new, updateable software from them.


THX-certified video calibrator and contributing writer,
Post 3 made on Monday November 6, 2006 at 18:55
Active Member
September 2006
I don't think it entitles you to anything, persay. It's left to the dealers discretion what they want to provide.
Post 4 made on Tuesday November 7, 2006 at 16:56
Surf Remote
Loyal Member
July 2001
That's why I said "should". Any authorized dealer who's going to sell you the remote and not program if for you "should" provide the updateable software. If it were me, I wouldn't do business with anyone that didn't.

THX-certified video calibrator and contributing writer,

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