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Original thread:
Post 2,264 made on Friday June 26, 2009 at 19:24
Daniel Tonks
Wrangler of Remotes
October 1998
The map had actually been updated - where the channels are now broadcasting and identifying themselves on the same channel that's the only number shown; but where they're still using virtual channels I continue to show both.

I've updated the table with the radio stations, also spent a bit to time to figure out what other alternative audio streams are offered (same audio as the primary stream but in a different format):

5.1 - 2.0
9.1 - 2.0
17.1 - 2.0
17.2 - 1.0
17.3 - 1.0
44.1 - 1.0
57.1 - 1.0

Other channels either only have a single audio stream, or list a silent secondary stream.

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