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Post 9 made on Monday January 1, 2007 at 22:37
Active Member
February 2004
On December 28, 2006 at 07:39, vwpower44 said...
Is there anything special I have to do to get the software
update on the MX3000. I have teh latest software on my
PC. I was told by URC about a year ago that I had to
upload the 12 device file into the remote to update the
firmware. I have tried this, and then loaded the customers
file back into the MX. I was then told whenever you upload
to the MX, that the firmware will automatically update.
Any ideas.


It doesn't matter what remote file you load. When you download any file to the remote the firmware will be updated. There is nothing special about the 12 device file.

I'm thinking they may have wanted you to load a different file and reload yours to take care of any possible residuals in the remote. I have seen programs act funny in a touchscreen/controller until you load a totally different file, then load yours again.
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