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Post 1 made on Tuesday March 11, 2008 at 11:37
Advanced Member
September 2004
Had a customer call me and tell me his 3000 lost its programming.

His son reset the controller.

I zipped his file and sent it to him since he had bought the remote and software back in the days and hoped he could just dump the file into the remote.

When he opens the file it gives him a Microsoft Windows error "Do you want to send info to microsoft prompt" and then shuts down mx 3000 editor.

I tried to open his file on mine and lo and behold it also did the same on my machine.

I then opened every other file on my laptop and the next 10 files opened fine.

I had two copies of his file and both crash everytime I open the file.


I am not near my machine and won't be able to try anything myself until Friday.
I can always ask him to try the things you may suggest, and I will try sending the file to URC when I get back home to see if they can save my programming.

Any ideas...


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