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Post 14 made on Wednesday September 22, 2004 at 11:35
Ernie Bornn-Gilman
Yes, That Ernie!
December 2001
On 01/20/04 19:15 ET, G50AE said...
There are only two places I have ever seen a "Starbucks",
at airports and at bookstores.

You need to get out more. Or maybe the land of all things fifty caliber doesn't appeal to the management of Charbucks.

For reference, the penetration of Charbucks locations is so great that a crowd laughed when a comic talked about seeing a Starbucks located in a Starbucks. I was in the Starbucks in the South Pasadena Wells Fargo bank when I heard that joke.

In my corner of the world, the left coast, Starbucks is everywhere.

You do have one point, though; how many caffeinated preppies or DINKs who zip through Starbucks are going to stop long enough to shop for a movie, knowing they will then have to plan to come back to Starbucks to return it? It just does not seem like a DVD vending machine would appeal to the Startbucks crowd. The Starbucks Generation, let's say.
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