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 Files > Pronto > Systems > All > C
There are 861 System CCFs.
68 authors begin with the letter C.
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For: Marantz RC5200
By: Dale Crawford
Dale Crawford's Large Screen Easy Theater
EasyTheater mimics a "Home Theater Operating System" by presenting a totally new activity-based navigation system. Activities feature large, standardized Pop-Up transport controls, letting you pause, fast-forward, rewind, and play without looking at the remote. Best of all, EasyTheater makes customization a snap for experienced CCF programmers. Comes with an illustrated manual to guide customization. Includes versions optimized for Marantz RC5200, and a separate version that allows cursor-pad navigation of the EasyTheater menus.
Updated: December 13, 2002  Size: 545kb

For: Marantz RC9200
By: Dale Crawford
Dale Crawford's RC9200 EasyTheater
v1.3 EasyTheater mimics a "Home Theater Operating System" by presenting a totally new activity-based navigation system. Color-coded activities feature large, standardized Pop-Up transport controls, letting you control playback without looking at the remote. Best of all, EasyTheater makes customization a snap for experienced CCF programmers. Comes with an illustrated manual to guide customization. Includes versions optimized for Marantz RC9200 and RC5200, with a separate version for RC5200 to allow cursor-pad navigation of the EasyTheater menus.
Updated: January 15, 2003  Size: 829kb

For: Philips ProntoPro
By: Dale Crawford
Dale Crawford's Second ProntoPro
This color CCF uses the concepts of my original CCF, but has a new 3-D style for the graphics designed to compliment the existing ProntoPro interface. (If you prefer a "harder" look, check out my Version A color CCF.) All tabs are now the same width and height for easier editing. And this time, the font you see is a TrueType font (Vonnes Extrabold Condensed). The home panels feature an innovative "Shortcut Menu" that allows access to your four most commonly used activities using only two hard buttons. What appears as multiple copies of the same device actually allows easy scrolling using the hard buttons.
Updated: March 13, 2002  Size: 240kb

For: Philips TS-1000
By: Dale Crawford
Dale's Circuit CCF
This is a CCF I did just for the fun of it. It has a totally new set of graphic based on computer circuit boards and the components on them. One of the things I wanted to show is that even though the Pronto only has 4 colors, you can have 7 grays by dithering. Includes the same devices as the file above as well as a gallery file.
Updated: September 15, 1999  Size: 30kb

For: Philips ProntoPro
By: Dave Cohen
Dave Cohen's First ProntoPro
Here goes my first color remote. Everything seems to be working correctly except for Zone 2. Thanks to everyone whom I stole buttons from!transport, etc). Labels follow standard Pro on-screen look.
Updated: February 20, 2002  Size: 115kb

For: Philips TSU2000
By: David Camp
David Camp's System CCF
A complete system setup for VOOM with the following components.
Updated: April 05, 2005  Size: 109kb

For: Philips TSU2000
By: David Chalif
David Chalif's First Pronto CCF
This is my first attempt at programming my Pronto. After many attempts and much tinkering, I have a complete CCF configuration which includes all the remote functions on the Hughes HD Receiver. Many of the channels on a DIRECTV system are one-button accessible, and video switching is done through macros on one of the home screens. Thanks to everyone whose bitmaps and ideas I freely borrowed.
Updated: April 30, 2002  Size: 48kb

For: Philips TS-1000
By: Don Cole
Don Cole's Pronto Setup
An extensive modification of Baranada's CCF, retaining the "original" devices but for new equipment.
Updated: February 16, 2004  Size: 46kb

For: Philips TSU2000
By: Federico Cribiore
Federico Cribiore's TSU2000
Largely borrowed System CCF for my rather complicated home theater. Thanks so much to all for the borrowed graphics. They made my life SO much easier! Includes a few new brands including Sonic Frontiers and Classe.
Updated: June 04, 2001  Size: 29kb

For: Philips TS-1000
By: Franco Capizzo
Franco Capizzo's CCF File
I used graphics from several other well-known CCFs on Remote Central to create a simple, easy-to-use CCF for my home theater. I like to keep the CCF as streamlined as possible, while still allowing buttons for less-frequently used functions on secondary pages.
Updated: July 24, 2001  Size: 24kb
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