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There are 861 System CCFs.
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For: Philips TS-1000
By: Ahmad Abdul Hamid
Ahmad Abdul Hamid's CCF
Complete system CCF file.
Updated: June 01, 2000  Size: 45kb

For: Philips TS-1000
By: Alan Cook
Alan Cook's CCF
Event driven interface for two-room system. Easily used by system owner and guests. 50+ logos in channel guide for a Comcast cable system. Borrows heavily from D. Tonks, A. Whitlock, D. Crawford and others.
Updated: December 21, 2000  Size: 38kb

For: Philips TS-1000
By: Alan Minchew
Alan Minchew's CCF
This CCF is highly leveraged from various sources (Daniel Tonks, Andrea Whitlock, and others). It contains the Philips TiVo remote codes for remote addresses 0, 1, and 2. Includes gallery file.
Updated: March 07, 2003  Size: 150kb

For: Philips TS-1000
By: Alan Palmer
Alan Palmer's Custom CCF
This configuration is geared towards the SKY DIGITAL satellite user. Most panels offer direct access to the various devices and sub-menus. I have devised separate "fun" ,"help" and "music" menus. The music sub-menu plays a tune when selected and as my children tend to use the Pronto after eating sticky buns and potato crisps, I have included plenty of "clean me" buttons throughout. Many thanks to all the hundreds of ccf producers out there - I couldn't have done it without you!
Updated: May 19, 2000  Size: 94kb

For: Philips TSU2000
By: Alan Soumrany
Alan Soumrany's Pronto
A complete, simple CCF for the following components.
Updated: December 04, 2004  Size: 53kb

For: Philips TS-1000
By: Alan Westhead
Alan Westhead's Pronto CCF
This dual-system UK CCF features a uniform look and button position, jumps from most panels to each other, devices on the right side and channels & info on the macro side plus help files for the home page and each device (not all complete but check out the DVD one).
Updated: October 28, 1999  Size: 31kb

For: Marantz RC5000i
By: Alastair Uren
Alastair Uren's Pronto CCF
Icons & ideas borrowed from others via RC, plus some custom material. A non-framed layout (for maximum usable area), designed with two main uses: watching movies and listening to music. In each case I have tried to decide what functions I need to hand when performaing either activity, and have tried to incorporate this functionality into one main screen per component. Includes a DVD region macro and power on/off macros that even reduce the TV volume to minimum along the way.
Updated: February 28, 2002  Size: 26kb

For: Marantz RC9200
By: Albert Mizrahi
Albert Mizrahi's RC9200
This is the base layout for RC programming in the most exclusive High End store in Mexico, "Fidelus".
Updated: February 16, 2004  Size: 359kb

For: Marantz RC5200
By: Alden Reine
Alden Reine's Large Screen CCF
Customized home page, backgrounds and tab system to minimize the need to switch between multiple pages.
Updated: December 24, 2002  Size: 70kb

For: Philips TS-1000
By: Alex Kurz
Alex Kurz's Pronto Setup
Complete system CCF file. As the Saba & Thomson VCRs use the same code set, the Thomson is configured to the optional "B" codeset. Both involve a toggle-bit workaround.
Updated: February 06, 2000  Size: 28kb
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