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 Files > Pronto > Systems > All > B
There are 861 System CCFs.
95 authors begin with the letter B.
Displaying files 1 through 10 on page 1 of 10.
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For: Philips TSU2000
By: Nick Baddeley
Nick Baddeley's Simple-To-Use CCF
This CCF is simple to use, no fancy graphics but it has consistant page layouts, buttons and an intuitive structure. Selecting a function from the home page switches on the correct components and sets up the correct inputs. Volume +/- Channel +/- and mute are on the hard buttons for all components as is system off from any screen - this includes a jump back to the home page so the remote is ready for next time you want to use it.
Updated: August 01, 2006  Size: 19kb

For: Philips TS-1000
By: Chris Baigent
Chris Baigent's CCF File
New system containing many popular UK models.
Updated: July 09, 2000  Size: 49kb

For: Philips TS-1000
By: Thomas Bailey
Thomas Bailey's CCF File
Complete system borrowed heavily from various ccf's already posted. I'm particularly proud of the Help menu system. It's used by a number of "technophobes" without a hitch. All comments/questions most welcome.
Updated: January 15, 2000  Size: 53kb

For: Philips TS-1000
By: Chris Bain
Chris Bain's Pronto CCF
Complete system CCF featuring DirecTV favorite channel icons (updated for the new July '99 lineup), discrete power codes and more!
Updated: July 19, 1999  Size: 64kb

For: Marantz RC5200
By: Phil Baker
Phil Baker's RC5200
A simple and logical system for the following components.
Updated: April 05, 2005  Size: 57kb

For: Marantz RC5000
By: Phil Baker
Phil Baker's Tricorder CCF
Clear and simple CCF based on others found here.
Updated: April 29, 2004  Size: 45kb

For: Philips ProntoPro
By: Carlton Bale
Carlton Bale's Tabbed CCF
This CCF has a completely tabbed interface and several simple macros for automation of common commands. The TiVo device panel will work with all TiVos except those from Sony. Advanced TiVo macros (enable 30 second skip, etc.) are included but not all have been tested.
Updated: April 29, 2002  Size: 102kb

For: Philips TS-1000
By: Terry Ball
Terry Ball's System
My CCF includes support for DirecTV with a surf capability for TV and Music Choice. The layout has been designed so that most "control" icons are on right-hand side of LCD display.
Updated: May 04, 2003  Size: 48kb

For: Philips TS-1000
By: Beau Bannerman
Beau Bannerman's CCF File
This CCF is composed mostly from Daniel Tonks' gallery. I have also borrowed from several CCF's to create the screens for the DVD jukebox. I've tried to create a interface that will direct the user to proper usage so I employed mostly hidden screens and no macros.
Updated: January 16, 2000  Size: 54kb

For: Philips TSU2000
By: Michael Barbalic
Michael Barbalic's Pronto CCF
A complete system CCF that uses discrete codes where possible.
Updated: April 15, 2001  Size: 46kb
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