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There are 861 System CCFs.
Displaying files 301 through 310 on page 31 of 87.
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For: Philips ProntoPro
By: Neil Natic
Neils Natic's Pronto XP CCF
This is an update to my CCF. Many of the graphics have been given a facelift to make the ccf look more realistic including the desktop, start bar, minimized buttons, and more. I have also added a volume control. This file was created with Jose Blanco's Windows CCF in mind (Jose used Windows 98).
Updated: July 08, 2002  Size: 235kb

For: Philips ProntoPro
By: Chris Lee
Chris Lee's ProntoPro CCF
This is my revised ProntoPro template that I have been using for many months. This template utilizes Dual RF Extenders. Hope everyone likes it!
Updated: July 03, 2002  Size: 383kb

For: Philips ProntoPro
By: Dede Ayache
Dede Ayache's Color Star Trek CCF
A complete Star Trek-styled CCF file from Germany. Now with more equipment and a better design.
Updated: July 03, 2002  Size: 290kb

For: Philips TSU2000
By: Dede Ayache
Dede Ayache's Star Trek CCF
A complete Star Trek-styled CCF file from Germany. Now with more equipment and a better design.
Updated: July 03, 2002  Size: 167kb

For: Marantz RC9200
By: Nicholas D. Satullo
The Marilyn Remote
Since I couldn't improve on Daniel's buttons - his buttons are it - I wanted an equipment based remote with THE BEST ICONS OF ALL TIME. I turned to the ultimate icon, the forever young Marilyn Monroe. Lucky for my concept, no one left a more exquisite photo legend behind, so material exists aplenty. Since my HT is filled with virtually every possible electronic toy, the macros and the integration remain a work in progress.
Updated: July 03, 2002  Size: 246kb

For: Philips TSU2000
By: David Byrne
David Byrne's First CCF
This is my first CCF, all graphics are stolen, thanks to the original creators. The layout is designed for ease of use rather than flash graphics. I have included a help system for people who haven't a clue what to do by hitting the modified home button.
Updated: June 04, 2002  Size: 48kb

For: Philips TS-1000
By: Ronnie Wimberly
Ronnie Wimberly's Simple Layout
Includes channel icons and some special macros for my personal use which assist in making less button navigation for me.
Updated: June 04, 2002  Size: 34kb

For: Philips TS-1000
By: Russell Burke
Russell Burke's A/V System
All buttons borrowed from this site, thankyou to everyone. It has taken me over a year to complete a set up that I really like.
Updated: June 04, 2002  Size: 21kb

For: Philips TS-1000
By: Lee Nevo
Lee Nevo's Pronto
A very consistent, and efficient complete system. A lot of thought was put in to navigation, usability, and simplification. MP3 control is done with the IRMan and IRManager with XMMS for Linux.
Updated: June 02, 2002  Size: 58kb

For: Philips ProntoPro
By: Phil Kitlinger
Phil Kitlinger's System Layout
Includes channel logos for network and cable stations from 23 cities. Cable logos are in two sizes. Some original navigation buttons.
Updated: June 02, 2002  Size: 489kb
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