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There are 861 System CCFs.
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For: Philips TS-1000
By: Fabio Bianchini
Fabio Bianchini's System
A complete CCF file from Italy with the following components.
Updated: October 20, 2002  Size: 61kb

For: Philips TSU2000
By: Werner Trautmann
Werner Trautmann's NAD System
Includes a custom lighting system which uses a PIC microcontroller.
Updated: October 20, 2002  Size: 24kb

For: Marantz RC5000i
By: Bryan Jones
Bryan Jones' Theater CCF
I was working on a new CCF when EasyTheater was released and was very impressed so I adapted the basic framework (thanks for the great work and inspiration Dale). I created much of the graphics myself although a couple are copied from Dale's designs and the "remote" section of the CCF consists of Scott Grimes' excellent Sony type buttons. Not quite as adaptable as EasyTheater but I thought I'd post it anyway.
Updated: October 19, 2002  Size: 110kb

For: Marantz RC5000i
By: Emmanuel T.
Emmanuel T.'s French CCF
The interface of this system CCF is in French. It is fully fonctional.
Updated: October 19, 2002  Size: 37kb

For: Marantz RC5000i
By: Duan Bouwer
Duan Bouwer's RC5000i System
This is a complete CCF file. Only basic operation is included, although the DSTV is a bit more extensive. This file should help South African users.
Updated: September 08, 2002  Size: 43kb

For: Marantz RC5000i
By: Mark Smallman
Mark Smallman's RC5000i CCF
An update on my CCF to reflect the new equipment I have recently purchased. Includes discrete codes for most items along with macros for their operation. As before, only includes settings for basic day to day operation.
Updated: September 08, 2002  Size: 35kb

For: Philips ProntoPro
By: Robert Johnson
Robert Johnson's Harley Davidson CCF
Here's a CCF built around the Harley Davidson V-Rod and some of the hobbies of the friend I made this for. The Vidikron projector and the B&K preamp are modified buttons and backgrounds of Eduardo Maroja's pro but is still quite original. An animated tivo central guy makes the tivo pages cool. Have a look!
Updated: September 08, 2002  Size: 467kb

For: Philips TSU2000
By: Chris Thomas
Chris Thomas' Easy-to-Use CCF
No original art, but a very clean and easy to use layout. Dish buttons are programmed and I borrowed a calander. This is a total Sony CCF except for the Echostar reciever. My wife can even use it.
Updated: September 05, 2002  Size: 40kb

For: Philips TSU2000
By: Colin Reeve
Colin Reeve's Simple CCF
This is my second attempt at a UK Pronto setup. I have been using it for a month or two without any major changes so I guess I'm fairly happy with it. I have borrowed Daniel's DVD & VCR transport controls from this site along with Sky logos for the main channels and other bits and pieces so there is nothing unique. However, there is a MASTER device to make it easy for novices to get the system up-and-running and I think I've managed to include most of the more frequently-used advanced features without sacrificing usability. All feedback gratefully received.
Updated: September 05, 2002  Size: 34kb

For: Marantz RC5000i
By: Bruce Hartley
Bruce Hartley's RC5000i System
Features: full CD Track Listing from SuperNudelist; Ballroom dancing screen; S-LinkE and Girder for CD control; Sky channel guide; discrete codes where available. Thanks everyone for your CCFs!
Updated: August 26, 2002  Size: 254kb
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