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There are 861 System CCFs.
Displaying files 251 through 260 on page 26 of 87.
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For: Philips ProntoPro
By: Steve Yonkman
Steve Yonkman's Layout
There is some original artwork in my file and some others I got at this site. There are some useful features for the televison, such as adjusting the zoom and switching the input source. Note that I don't currently own the TV included in this file.
Updated: October 23, 2002  Size: 251kb

For: Philips TS-1000
By: Tony Pereira
Tony Pereira's Swiss CCF
A complete system CCF file from Switzerland with channel logos, a help file and the following devices.
Updated: October 23, 2002  Size: 64kb

For: Philips TS-1000
By: Dieter Bermann
Dieter Bermann's Original CCF
Keep it simple! So did I while creating my own buttons. No 3D, but a better readability with 2D-buttons.
Updated: October 23, 2002  Size: 17kb

For: Marantz RC9200
By: Michael Swanson
Michael Swanson's First CCF
This is my first attempt at customizing my Marantz RC9200 remote.
Updated: October 23, 2002  Size: 348kb

For: Marantz RC5000i
By: Kurt Pendleton
Kurt Pendleton's Bunny CCF
This CCF was for a speacial who just loved rabbits, don't you? There is a secret button under the rabbits eye that macros the remote to her favorite tv channel, HGTV.
Updated: October 22, 2002  Size: 45kb

For: Marantz RC5000
By: Richard Chapple
Richard Chapple's System CCF
My brand new look CCF (V1.8) with my own new custom buttons/images, one-screen TiVo controls and easy-to-use menus! This CCF has complete remote commands for each device, which can be accessed by my menu/decive page (showing pictures of each device, which when pressed utilize macros). Included within this CCF are macros and instructions to operate games consoles, discrete codes for system on/off, alphabetical listing of DVDs and X-10 controls for lighting and applience modules. Thank you for all for your help, have fun!
Updated: October 22, 2002  Size: 94kb

For: Marantz RC5200
By: Travis Smith
Travis Smith's RC5200
Also includes Help and Channel Macros and PS2 cover art images.
Updated: October 22, 2002  Size: 107kb

For: Marantz RC9200
By: Aaron Hughart
Aaron Hughart's RC9200 CCF
This is a 9200 version of my previous ccf for the TSU6000. It also includes a TV Guide, Directory, Jukebox, DVD directory, Calendar and Photo album. I include a default theme with it that can be modified to make your own. The theme could also be used as a Gallery file. (Themes require the use of Tonto.)
Updated: October 22, 2002  Size: 985kb

For: Philips ProntoPro
By: Eduardo Maroja
Eduardo Maroja's First ProntoPro CCF
This is a new version of my first ProntoPro CCF. Independant hidden panels with equipment IR codes for use with macros. With color logos for Sky channels and Brazilian TV.
Updated: October 20, 2002  Size: 156kb

For: Philips ProntoPro
By: Eduardo Maroja
Eduardo Maroja's Second ProntoPro CCF
This is my second ProntoPro CCF. Independant hidden panels with equipment IR codes. With color logos for Sky channels and Brazilian TV.
Updated: October 20, 2002  Size: 229kb
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