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There are 861 System CCFs.
Displaying files 231 through 240 on page 24 of 87.
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For: Philips TS-1000
By: Arnie Burke
Arnie Burke's System Setup
This is an updated version of my original CCF that uses a simplified split screen effect for most of my major equipment. Graphics are modified Dale Crawford Easy Theater buttons and background.
Updated: December 16, 2002  Size: 82kb

For: Philips TS-1000
By: Baris Uz
Baris Uz's Digiturk CCF
A complete system CCF file with the following devices.
Updated: December 16, 2002  Size: 108kb

For: Philips TS-1000
By: Evan Hartnett
Evan Hartnett's Simpsons CCF
I used Dale Crawford's Easy Theater as a frame and replaced the buttons with Simpsons themed ones. Other buttons have been created whenever I could. It should be easy to configure for other equipment. Some of the pictures aren't perfect, if anyone finds better ones (or can edit them so they look better, I was only using paint to edit...) let me know.
Updated: December 16, 2002  Size: 70kb

For: Philips TSU2000
By: Gilles Willer
Gilles Willer's French CCF
My first CCF file. Please email me with any comments!
Updated: December 16, 2002  Size: 41kb

For: Philips TS-1000
By: Hans Lundin
Hans Lundin's Improved System
New improved with macros for actions and system power off.
Updated: December 16, 2002  Size: 26kb

For: Philips ProntoPro
By: Jay Forbes
Jay Forbes' Color ProntoPro
This is my color system CCF file. I use it on an iPaq 3635 with TV Remote Controller 5.1 software. It borrows heavily from files posted here, especially Kim Aubry and Daniel Tonks. Thanks guys! I've incorporated a unique 'curtain opening' home screen that the family really likes.
Updated: December 16, 2002  Size: 186kb

For: Philips TS-1000
By: John Joseph
John Joseph's System CCF
A complete system CCF file with the following devices.
Updated: December 16, 2002  Size: 155kb

For: Marantz RC5000i
By: Pro Venkatraman
Pro Venkatraman's RC5000i
All the above are well interfaced after cobbling together CCF files from numerous other contributors and utilizing my favourite features from their files. Lots of jumps as required and (I think) a reasonably interesting and consistent graphics.
Updated: December 16, 2002  Size: 108kb

For: Philips ProntoPro
By: Rui Costa
Rui Costa's ProntoPro
A Pronto Pro system CCF with the following devices.
Updated: December 16, 2002  Size: 262kb

For: Philips TS-1000
By: Simon Heather
Simon Heather's System
A complete system CCF with the following devices.
Updated: December 16, 2002  Size: 36kb
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