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There are 861 System CCFs.
Displaying files 211 through 220 on page 22 of 87.
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For: Marantz RC5000i
By: Mark Wood
Mark Wood's Australian CCF
A complete system for Australian components, with a nice macro panel to turn on all of the correct equipment and select the correct settings before jumping you to the individual component to operate it.
Updated: January 23, 2003  Size: 27kb

For: Philips TSU2000
By: Remo Martinelli
Remo Martinelli's Swiss Layout
This is my newest configuration including a calendar, a CD-list for a Technics 110+1 Jukebox (with direct choice for each song) and a CD cover section. I've got the layout from multiple CCF files from this section (and the b+w graphics from Daniel).
Updated: January 23, 2003  Size: 729kb

For: Philips TSU2000
By: Tony Silvestro
Tony Silvestro's 2-Zone Pronto
Two zones with a simple layout and discrete codes where available. Used buttons, graphics and icons from many configs on this site & integrated various aspects that I liked from each.
Updated: January 23, 2003  Size: 75kb

For: Marantz RC9200
By: William Sanchez
William Sanchez's Color Sony Layout
A complete Sony system CCF file with all discrete IR codes.
Updated: January 23, 2003  Size: 338kb

For: Philips ProntoPro
By: Arnie Burke
Arnie Burke's iPAQ 3850 CCF
My first color CCF. I'm using it with my 3850 IPAQ. Original buttons and Daniel Tonks' frames, tabs, and icons.
Updated: January 15, 2003  Size: 200kb

For: Philips TS-1000
By: Dale Crawford
Dale Crawford's B&W Easy Theater
EasyTheater mimics a "Home Theater Operating System" by presenting a totally new activity-based navigation system. Activities feature large, standardized Pop-Up cursor and transport controls, letting you channel and menu surf without looking at the remote. Best of all, EasyTheater makes customization a snap for experienced CCF programmers. Comes with an illustrated manual to guide customization. Includes versions optimized for TS-1000, TSU2000, RC5000, RC5000i, 940, and a separate "low-memory version" for Pronto TS-1000. Also, see the other files areas for large-screen or color versions!
Updated: January 15, 2003  Size: 959kb

For: Philips ProntoPro
By: Dale Crawford
Dale Crawford's EasyTheater
v1.3 EasyTheater mimics a "Home Theater Operating System" by presenting a totally new activity-based navigation system. Color-coded activities feature large, standardized Pop-Up cursor and transport controls, letting you channel and menu surf without looking at the remote. The graphical style compliments the ProntoPro interface for a unified appearance. Best of all, EasyTheater makes customization a snap for experiences CCF programmers. Comes with an illustrated manual to guide customization. Also, see the grayscale files area for a grayscale version!
Updated: January 15, 2003  Size: 626kb

For: Marantz RC9200
By: Dale Crawford
Dale Crawford's RC9200 EasyTheater
v1.3 EasyTheater mimics a "Home Theater Operating System" by presenting a totally new activity-based navigation system. Color-coded activities feature large, standardized Pop-Up transport controls, letting you control playback without looking at the remote. Best of all, EasyTheater makes customization a snap for experienced CCF programmers. Comes with an illustrated manual to guide customization. Includes versions optimized for Marantz RC9200 and RC5200, with a separate version for RC5200 to allow cursor-pad navigation of the EasyTheater menus.
Updated: January 15, 2003  Size: 829kb

For: Philips ProntoPro
By: Mike Pearson
Mike Pearson's Color System
This is my complete Pronto Pro Color remote. It has a great movie title menu system. I have now added Tivo controls. It also includes a great lighting control system that shows the room layout and lights the lamps on the display as you activate them! This is a constant work in progress! Hope you enjoy it...
Updated: January 04, 2003  Size: 412kb

For: Philips TS-1000
By: Steve Casey
Steve Casey's Pronto CCF
A complete system CCF file with the following devices.
Updated: January 04, 2003  Size: 59kb
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