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 Files > ProntoNEO > Systems > All
There are 140 System NCFs.
Displaying files 61 through 70 on page 7 of 15.
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For: Philips ProntoNEO
By: David Suttle
David Suttle's Layout
A complete system layout with the following components.
Updated: May 05, 2003  Size: 20kb

For: Philips ProntoNEO
By: Eric Allan
Eric Allan's NEO Setup
Function based system that changes cursor buttons for each applicaton. Tabs used to get access to specific menu items for TV, SAT and Surround Sound.
Updated: May 05, 2003  Size: 144kb

For: Philips ProntoNEO
By: Eric Jacober
Eric Jacober's Configuration
Great Config! Took me about a week. I kind of outsmart the ProntoNeo System and create an environment like the Pronto. Just press device then press One-Touch. You're set from there!
Updated: May 05, 2003  Size: 47kb

For: Philips ProntoNEO
By: Freddi
Freddi's ProntoNEO
There are many bitmaps for European, international and Israeli television in the SAT section of my file.
Updated: May 05, 2003  Size: 140kb

For: Philips ProntoNEO
By: Greg Rector
Greg Rector's Layout
A complete system layout with the following components.
Updated: May 05, 2003  Size: 61kb

For: Philips ProntoNEO
By: John Kelly
John Kelly's ProntoNEO
System file for all these components, plus some macros for setting sound to the right device etc.
Updated: May 05, 2003  Size: 38kb

For: Philips ProntoNEO
By: John Shettino
John Shettino's System
My NCF has many discrete codes, cable TV logos, and a help system. It's mostly a task-oriented system, but the Macro device has all you need to use the system. Uses bitmaps and ideas from many other NCFs (thanks all!)
Updated: May 05, 2003  Size: 91kb

For: Philips ProntoNEO
By: Matt Banack
Matt Banack's System Setup
All functionality for each component, including discrete codes for all but the DSS.
Updated: May 05, 2003  Size: 142kb

For: Philips ProntoNEO
By: Mitch Petervary
Mitch Petervary's NCF
My ProntoNEO is intended for using the whole home theater system at once. Hope this helps someone. I could not have gotten this far if it wasn't for Remote Central. Thanks everyone!
Updated: May 05, 2003  Size: 79kb

For: Philips ProntoNEO
By: Patrick Saliba
Patrick Saliba's NCF
Channel icons, device icons and IR codes for the following devices.
Updated: May 05, 2003  Size: 115kb
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