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There are 140 System NCFs.
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For: Philips ProntoNEO
By: Andy Green
Andy Green's RU930
This NCF works via "device" or "activity" modes. This NCF contains television icons, bitmaps and discrete codes (originally for the Pro and translated with Neohacker) taken from Remote Central. My thanks for all the people whose work I used in this file.
Updated: May 04, 2003  Size: 93kb

For: Philips ProntoNEO
By: Steve Gubala
Steve Gubala's System NCF
This is a system NCF that I am currently using. Please feel free to ask questions.
Updated: May 28, 2002  Size: 65kb

For: Philips ProntoNEO
By: Tijmen van Gulik
Tijmen van Gulik's NEO
Features: hacked intro page; on/off always accessible via the middle left and middle right buttons; makes use of tabs; channel selection with Dutch channel pictures; alpha numeric character input (in browser mode).
Updated: December 04, 2004  Size: 99kb

For: Philips ProntoNEO
By: Vitaly Gutkovich
Vitaly Gutkovich's Configuration
Complete system with some custom Icons, and some changed icons from the forum.
Updated: October 29, 2003  Size: 311kb

For: Philips ProntoNEO
By: Ed Haycock
Ed Haycock's Custom NCF
All buttons are custom and use the Showcard Gothic font. All devices are laid out to easily step through the pages by way of the touch scree. You can instantly jump to a home page for each device as well.
Updated: October 09, 2002  Size: 155kb

For: Philips ProntoNEO
By: Bob Held
Bob Held's Tabbed NCF
Extensive use of tabs to provide multiple pages within devices. If your device is not directly supported you may at least find this handy to review for technique/style when designing your own system. "Browse back" capability is used to move between devices. See the shutdown menu for a GREAT .bmp that displays when system is shutting down!
Updated: May 28, 2002  Size: 87kb

For: Philips ProntoNEO
By: Ronny Hendrichs
Ronny Hendrichs' German NCF
A German setup for the following equipment.
Updated: August 08, 2002  Size: 79kb

For: Marantz RC3200
By: Steffen Herr
Steffen Herr's RC3200
Updated. A complete system NCF file from Germany.
Updated: April 05, 2005  Size: 93kb

For: Philips ProntoNEO
By: Steve Higgs
Steve Higgs' Friendly NCF
An update to my user friendly format that allows you to control the system with a minimum of page changes. Includes a quick and easy shut down that takes you to start up page for the next time you want to turn on .The use of back buttons where needed and nearly all original bitmaps.Very easy to use. Includes a gallery of bitmaps used in my file.
Updated: June 16, 2004  Size: 195kb

For: Marantz RC3200
By: Stefan Hoevenaar
Stefan Hoevenaar's Panasonic NCF
An easy-to-use setup for an all-Panasonic Plasma home theatre. Includes macros for switching between devices/sources and turning devices on/off depending on function used.
Updated: February 21, 2004  Size: 32kb
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