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What's new for Monday January 15, 2001...
(Return to the January 2001 news index...)
Back from Vegas-land...
Well, I made it back from CES 2001 in one piece. Compared to last year's journey, where I got to experience a huge range of aircraft and visit strange new places that were most certainly not on my original itinerary, this year's trip was positively placid. I was actually hoping to provide more daily updates, but I quickly found that the show organizers should have found a way to petition the universe for 28-hour days - each year CES keeps getting bigger and bigger, and it becomes increasingly impossible to go everywhere and see everything. Although I did somehow manage to see everything in four days, that feat was not without repercussions.

Sleep deprivation combined with 122,000 other people to provide me with a most interesting variant on the flu, which hit as soon as I got back. But its' timing wasn't all off, since my home ISP also decided to take a siesta for a few days. Although my net access is not yet fully fixed - they seem to have traded high packet loss and good latency for less packet loss and poor latency - and the flu is not yet over, I am at least finally able to access the site and respond to email.

Today you can view my report on Universal Remote Control's new Home Theater Master MX-500 remote control. This is just the first of a huge number of brand reports for CES 2001, so please stay tuned for additions. But my utmost concern right now is getting the site moved over to a new server. Since I have still not quite finalized exactly where I'm going, I would still appreciate any suggestions you may have. I also realize there's a huge queue of Pronto/RC5000 file additions to go through, but it may be a little while longer before I can make it through them.

This news report was updated on May 18, 2006.