Your Universal Remote Control Center
November 1999's Contest Winners
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Results for the November 1999 "Win a Model 88 Radio by Henry Kloss or a Lutron Spacer" Contest

88% of all entrants correctly answered the skill testing question, while 82% correctly answered the bonus question.

Skill Tester:
In radio terms, FM stands for "Frequency Modulation". What does AM stand for?

Answer: Amplitude Modulation

Bonus Question:
Compare the two boxes below. Which waveform is taken from an AM radio signal?

Answer: Box A

Henry Kloss Model 88

The Winners!
Drum roll, please! Remote Central and are pleased to announce that the randomly selected winner of the Model 88 Tabletop Radio by Henry Kloss (with a value of $250) is G. L. from New Jersey, USA! He has been contacted by email and informed of his prize.

Lutron Spacer We are also pleased to announce that the randomly selected winner of our second place prize, the Lutron Spacer Infrared Light Switch kit worth $170, is J. P. from California, USA. He correctly answered the bonus question and has been contacted by email. Didn't win? Don't worry, we've got a brand new contest up for this month!

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