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Epson PJ: anyone RS232 the 2030?
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Post 1 made on Wednesday October 9, 2013 at 03:23
Long Time Member
May 2006
Hi all, I'm reading through the Epson projector docs here as I just bought an Epson 2030: [Link:]

Has anyone here successfully integrated the 2030? I know its lower end than what you probably install, but curious.

I only write a driver every 3-4 years as my HA system of choice comes with most things I need, wondering if there's any special tips or lessons learned.

I really only need to power it on and query its power status, so I can have the screen come down (no 12V trigger out on it) so simple needs. The doc doesn't actually spell out that there is a power query but i'll find out in a few days when I have time to plug it in.
I am not a pro, rather a DIY-end user with no affiliations to any products I may discuss.
Post 2 made on Saturday December 7, 2013 at 22:20
Advanced Member
December 2013
I had a HomeCinema 1080UB Demo version with a bright red sticker "Display Model Only, No Warranty" at a client's house. The epson control protocol on their website worked for me, and I was able to have full 232 control. (One way).

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