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remote dimmer
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Post 1 made on Wednesday April 21, 1999 at 13:03
Historic Forum Post
I want to replace a single dimmer (6 lights, 600 watts max) with one that can be x10 controlled (no line of sight). Then i want to be able to control that switch with my pronto. Any suggestions would be helpful
OP | Post 2 made on Friday April 23, 1999 at 12:20
Historic Forum Post

This is no problem. The hardware you need is an X-10 to IR transceiver. This device receives the X-10 IR signals from the Pronto and sends corresponding X-10 powerline signals.

The other piece of hardware you need is an X-10 wall switch. These come in many varieties. The type I recommend is made by Leviton. It has a "soft start" feature that allows the lights to gradually ramp up when turned on either at the switch or with the Pronto. It is a "true rocker" switch which means it feels and acts like a rocker switch. You press the top part of the switch to brighten, and the bottom part of the switch to dim.

Then download the X-10 CCF from this web site and customize it for your lighting setup.

I hope this helps.

RCI Automation

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