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Home automation system crestron vs Elan g! Vs control 4
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Post 1 made on Saturday March 5, 2016 at 06:38
Long Time Member
November 2003
I'm getting quotes from 3 different companies regarding setting up my AV system. I'm finishing my basement and adding an open theater room and 2 other video zones with 4 audio zones in the basement. I want to integrate my first floor which has 3 video zones and 4 audio zones.

What I want to know is which has the best product? I care about the ability use video the most and being able to use the multiple inputs easily. Like choosing Apple TV or cable and just turning it on quickly. The interface is important and ease of use. The cost difference in the quotes is not very different.

Currently I have a simple urc set up with the mx1200 remotes with one touch all on and ready to go. I like it that way!

The other stuff like lighting and security is all similar and not very important to me.

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