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Where can i get X10 cheap?
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Post 1 made on Saturday March 6, 2004 at 10:05
Select Member
October 2003
Does anyone know where I can order X10 equipment cheap? (something coparable to ebay?)

thanks everyone, tristan.
Post 2 made on Saturday March 6, 2004 at 16:10
Senior Member
September 2002
Yea, Find a neighbor who has what you want, wait 'til dark break in and take it.

Otherwise check out the advertisers who support this forum.
And remember, you only get what you paid for.
Post 3 made on Monday March 8, 2004 at 12:32
Long Time Member
December 2003
I'm considering an X-10 environment for my house and was wondering if any Canadians have experience or advice on where to buy. Do the US online retailers offer good pricing with taxes, shipping, exchange rate and duty, or should I just go to my local Radio Shack and get the Plug 'n Power stuff? I'm not concerned about the potential copmplexity of my system right now, I just don't want to get gauged like I did with my remote.

I'm not prepared to "shop" at my neighbours place.
god helps those who help themselves.
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OP | Post 4 made on Monday March 8, 2004 at 18:25
Select Member
October 2003
i have purchased numerous items off e-bay for very cheap and know that there's a guy who sells them out of edmonton...i've lost his email however, i wish i still had it...i purchased a dimmer switch for $12US and an IR reciever for $20....Logic tells me that someone out there probably sells for about the same...these prices are way cheaper than what you can get from any local electrical supplier.
Post 5 made on Wednesday March 10, 2004 at 01:19
Long Time Member
January 2003
ebay used to be a good source for x-10, but now all you've got is bunch of professional x10 sellers on ebay who just clog up the listings with endless auctions for the same x10 item, and by the time you pay for shipping ---(this you have to watch because there are sellers charging 2 & 3 times too much for shipping just to pad their profits)----it's usually more than what you paid from x10 or smarthome or one of the other e-retailers. I would like to see the professional sellers get their own half of ebay with the individuals who just want to unload some extra stuff they bought, having the other half. then, like spam you wouldn't have to eyeball it if you didn't want to...
OP | Post 6 made on Wednesday March 10, 2004 at 18:55
Select Member
October 2003
so how do i become an x10 dealer? i plan to use switches and ir receiver in my client's theaters.

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