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TM13 on 418MHz
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Post 1 made on Wednesday March 3, 2004 at 17:33
Long Time Member
February 2004
Is it possible that the marmitek tranceiver TM13 can work on 418 MHz instead of 433MHz so that a TS6000 Pronto can control it directly with its RF signal?
Post 2 made on Wednesday March 3, 2004 at 17:40
Dave Houston
RF Expert
October 2001
The TM12U will.


Laser says they have a few left in stock. You might find more at other UK X-10 dealers. I don't think it was sold outside of the UK.

Contact Laser or other UK dealers for details.

Also, I've been told that the RF receiver section of the TM13U is on a separate daughterboard. If so, it should be possible to replace the 433.92MHz receiver with a 418MHz receiver and still have the all housecode feature.

This message was edited by Dave Houston on 03/05/04 23:08.

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