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I´m newbie and have a few doubts
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Post 1 made on Tuesday March 2, 2004 at 09:03
Lurking Member
March 2004
Hi! For everyone...

First I’m a student and I’m making my final project about X10. So I have to make a project [ a house our a building ] totally using X10...
If I will put more than 256 devices I will need something to cut off the signal to construct 2 "LAN’s of devices... What King of object can do this job for me!?
Another one, What is the maximum of distance of one unit to another?
Anyone know a ready project about one house or anyplace just for me see and get some ideas!?

I really appreciate if anyone could help me.
Thanks, I will wait a few answer.
Post 2 made on Tuesday March 2, 2004 at 11:38
Dave Houston
RF Expert
October 2001
X-10 has no way to handle more than 256 addresses. ACT offers a variant they call A10 which allows for more addresses. A Google search on "ACT A10 PLC" should turn up many links.

Useful distance will vary. The powerlines act like a network, the impedance of which, affects signal strength. There are several papers on this topic at...


Another URL helpful on this topic is...


X-10 transmitters load the network so the more transmitters used, the lower the signal strength.

SmartHome has introduced some devices (BoosterLinc) which can boost signals in realtime. They are still rather new. Past experience is that any product from SmartHome needs a few years to mature. Their devices are also only for 120V systems.

The utility company's distribution transformers tend to block the X-10 120kHz bursts. In N. America, the typical transformer serves 4-6 residences. In Europe, many residences may share a transformer.

Post 3 made on Saturday March 6, 2004 at 16:14
Senior Member
September 2002
Onlyice said:
"I'm newbie and have a few doubts."

Don't worry it really is smaller than most.
OP | Post 4 made on Tuesday March 9, 2004 at 07:54
Lurking Member
March 2004
Thanks for answer.

Now I have only to find any project made for a X10 house, Anyone know here I can find!?

Thanks Again.
Post 5 made on Wednesday March 10, 2004 at 04:14
Long Time Member
March 2003
Surely he can use X.10 filters to split the house wiring circuits into two "LANs" as he suggests, and then use the same 256 addresses independantly on each "LAN":


OK, he'll need to split the building wiring at the distribution point to install the filter and he'll need two computer interfaces, one on each LAN, and will have to run two instances of whatever software he is using to control them, or work out some automated way of switching between two different COM ports to select the right interface. But that's the challenge, the rest should be easy.

This message was edited by davehk on 03/10/04 04:34.

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