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X10 directly with European Pronto Pro?
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Post 1 made on Sunday February 29, 2004 at 10:48
Long Time Member
February 2004
Can anyone tell me if this is possible (without using any IR->X10 converters. I want to send the X10 RF signal directly from the Pronto Pro (RU970) to the X10 units....

How to? Step by step? Anyone?

Post 2 made on Sunday February 29, 2004 at 12:40
Dave Houston
RF Expert
October 2001
OP | Post 3 made on Sunday February 29, 2004 at 14:59
Long Time Member
February 2004
Thanks Dave....gonna try it...
Post 4 made on Wednesday March 10, 2004 at 14:21
Lurking Member
March 2004
I'm new to this game and also trying to get a RU950 (European) to drive X10 directly via RF.

I've downloaded CodeGen, though have some questions:
- Do I select Pronto or Pronto TS1000RF in CodeGen
- I've set the device in the 950 to transmit on RF, channel 0, ID 0
- My X10 receiver is set of A
- I edit one of the buttons and select Add IR Code, then View/Edit IR then cut and paste the code from CodeGen
- Click OK, Click Test IR and nothing happens

Sure I'm doing something (or several things) stupid, anybody know what ?

The other possibility was I found reference that there's a PCF file for the 950 on this site to drive X10 over RF but can't find it. Any clues ?

Thanks in advance,

Post 5 made on Wednesday March 10, 2004 at 15:05
Dave Houston
RF Expert
October 2001
AS it says on the CodeGen web page, "The Pronto TS1000 RF codes are for use with TS1000 and TSU2000 Prontos that have been converted to send RF." You need to select "Pronto".

I do not have a Pronto that sends native RF so I cannot help you with the setup. You can get help for that in the Pronto forum. I believe you need to set the device for RF.

The housecode, unit code, and function are part of the X-10 RF code so just select (in CodeGen™) whatever housecode your receiver uses.

The channel and ID should not make any difference. They are for the Philips RF extender and are ignored by the X-10 RF receivers.

The PCF file was violating the CodeGen™ copyright and the author removed it. Anyway, you probably don't want to wade through some 2560 codes to find the few that you want.

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