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how do receptacles and appliance modules...
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Topic: | how do receptacles and appliance modules work? This thread has 5 replies. Displaying all posts. |
Post 1 made on Thursday February 26, 2004 at 12:48 |
davidgrove Long Time Member |
I'm wondering how X10 receptacles and appliance modules (and in-line modules, too) work. Are they mechanical relays, or some kind of SCR (or other semiconductor) switch? What I'm getting at is audible noise. I have seen other posts on this forum about noise, and am wondering about it.
I need to have on/off (don't need dimming) control for some devices in a media room. So, I'd like to consider the noise as part of the selection criteria for X10 devices. A single loud click when power on or power off is less bothersome than continual loud hum.
What can I expect from appliance modules, receptacles, or inline modules in the way of noise? Click or hum? Loud enough to be noticable during movie or music listening? Does it typically vary by manufactufer?
Thank you for any comments.
Post 2 made on Thursday February 26, 2004 at 13:52 |
marainwa Long Time Member |
Joined: Posts: | January 2004 35 |
I can speak for the appliance module. I use one to control my fireplace, and all u hear is a click when u turn it on or off. There is no hum, because all the unit does is either make a connection, or turn one off. Personally, the click doesnt bother me, its definitely not what i would consider silent, but i really barely even notice it if im watching tv. I use the X10 universal appliance module. I know there are more out there that might be quieter, but once again, its just a click...nothing that bothers me.
Post 3 made on Thursday February 26, 2004 at 18:32 |
RWI Founding Member |
Joined: Posts: | December 2001 592 |
I have a couple of the X-10 pro modules and the click is loud, the new smarthome (I also have one) is much quieter. I don't think that any of them hum. Both perform the same, something else nice that smarthome has are scene capable 2 way modules.
Post 4 made on Friday February 27, 2004 at 04:09 |
davehk Long Time Member |
Joined: Posts: | March 2003 123 |
The standard (UK) X10 appliance modules uses a relay (I've had one apart) - so the only noise you should get is the click when the relay changes state.
If this bothered me, I'd change it for a solid state relay (But I'm an electronic/electrical engineer and quite happy working on 240v kit - YMMV!)
Post 5 made on Tuesday March 2, 2004 at 01:57 |
AutomatedOutlet Long Time Member |
Joined: Posts: | November 2003 215 |
OP | Post 6 made on Friday March 5, 2004 at 22:49 |
davidgrove Long Time Member |
Thank you all, for your helpful comments.
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