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X10 and Infocus LP350 Projector
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Post 1 made on Tuesday February 24, 2004 at 22:29
Long Time Member
February 2004
I have an Infocus LP350 projector. There is one problem with it that forces me to manually turn it on and off instead of by remote:

It doesn't have an On/Off remote control function. Rather it has a standby but the standby keeps the fan turned on indefinatly so cannot be used as an Off state.

I would like to rig it using X10. My idea is to have a thermostat device placed right in the outlet of the cooling fan that will shut power off when the temp drops bellow a certain limit.

I have a few questions:
1. Does X10 have such a thermal switch?
2. Will my projector work with power supply that goes through an X10 device. I understand that X10 does something to the signal to make it unusable by some devices.

Post 2 made on Wednesday February 25, 2004 at 11:15
Long Time Member
October 2003
first off, why do you need to leave the fan on?? you are using a portable projector and the bulb should be cooled before you move it, that is why the fan stays on... if you have it permanently mounted there will be nothing wrong with just killing the power... you just need a appliance module and you'll be set.
OP | Post 3 made on Wednesday February 25, 2004 at 11:28
Long Time Member
February 2004
On 02/25/04 11:15, mgithens said...
first off, why do you need to leave the fan on??
you are using a portable projector and the bulb
should be cooled before you move it, that is why
the fan stays on... if you have it permanently
mounted there will be nothing wrong with just
killing the power... you just need a appliance
module and you'll be set.

I know the bulb should cool down. Thats why I need the the thermostat. The way I work it now is when I turn it off, I need to put in standby so the fan cools it down. However, in standby, the fan never shuts off even after the lamp has cooled so I have to wait until the lamp cools and then hit the physical power switch.
I would like to automate this process.
Post 4 made on Thursday February 26, 2004 at 16:04
Long Time Member
February 2003
On 02/25/04 11:28, yogre said...
I know the bulb should cool down. Thats why I
need the the thermostat. The way I work it now
is when I turn it off, I need to put in standby
so the fan cools it down. However, in standby,
the fan never shuts off even after the lamp has
cooled so I have to wait until the lamp cools
and then hit the physical power switch.

Are you sure the fan never turns off? have you tried waiting it out? the blower on my gas fireplace remains on for a LONG time after shutting off the flame. i'm sure it's to transfer as much residual heat into the room, but i know darn well that after 15 minutes, there is no more heat in that fireplace. my darn blower runs for at least 45 minutes before it shuts down. unless your projectors manual specifically states that the fan will remain on, try giving it at least an hour or two. JMHO :0)
Post 5 made on Thursday February 26, 2004 at 18:56
Larry Fine
Loyal Member
August 2001
I would try working with the delay, rather than defeating it. There should be a simple way to send the appliance module an 'off' command 5 or 10 minutes after the system (or a particular unit) is shut down.

Maybe a simple 'if..., delay, then...' macro of some sort. Of course, an 'on' command must be sent for power up.


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